done this before but obviously no one saw it and i feel outta the loop- name please and i'll do the telly thing (99% accuracy) the notebook.....
u rock my socks catlin, u are my ultimate hr buddy, and are awsomly funny, and exciting, and just down right cool, i havn't known u that long, but i already love u to death, and next year u best betta have my damn lunch!
u lie! as usualy..heh, ur middle name is SOO not Qabil, but i still love u, and i will always love u torie, u are my best longest friend, we've had more memories together then i can imagine, and u know me better then i may know myself....leos catching up to u though, heh, no matter how long my mom bands me form u, we will alwys have somthing special torie, u are so kinda and sweet and there for me to talk to, we gonna end up be 70 and sitting on a porach together, but I WANNA GROW OLD W/ U!! sometimes u go a lil crazy and is WAY to hard on urslef, u don't relzie how amaing u are sometimes, ur smart funny, and damn sexy! plus ur beautiful and just....i dunno, i don't have enough wordss to decribe u babe! thank u for always being my mon petitue, and for helping me be who i am (lord knows my mom didn't) i think u help me come outta my shell, and i truely believ u are the reason i am who i am today. thank u for giving me a shuolder to cry on, and god dammit one day i'll see u cry! love u always and forever...adios (by the way i REALLY
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I'm thinking we should branch out into beaches that aren't Fort Desoto. Maybe, road trip to a fine beach in California? Wait until tomorrow, there is a good chance I will cry at The Notebook. Thanks Holly, you're always so good to me. I love you babes!
so thats how u spell ur last name...hmm got that wrong....anyway may i love u! u are always so sweet and happy and very funny, somtimes even on accident, and i think that ur personality is just as sweet as it can be, and i'm so glad ur my little asian friend!
my gosh, the notebook seems to have some kind of power over women,some men too.It must have the saddist ending in the hitory of time.If you bought it- well, im gonna miss seeing you, cause your definately going to be in the house all day weeping with a carton of ice cream from now on.
anyways, well we've had some memroies eh ryan, but i don't think i'd take any back, u are our bitch and for that we love u, and ur just so nice and amazingly easy to talk to, unless u dye ur hair black and then i'll never tlak to u again, besides that i think ur just an amazing person who has odly taught me alot about myslef, and i thank u for that.
well DUHHHH ur my fav. nicole!!! ur so funny, and awsome, ur so nice and outgoing, i love spending my homeroom w/ u! i cry myslef to sleep every night cuz we have no classes together, but i somehow make it through to hr, and see ur shining face and i am renewd, thank u nicole for keeping my going!
Comments 26
my gosh, the notebook seems to have some kind of power over women,some men too.It must have the saddist ending in the hitory of time.If you bought it- well, im gonna miss seeing you, cause your definately going to be in the house all day weeping with a carton of ice cream from now on.
anyways, well we've had some memroies eh ryan, but i don't think i'd take any back, u are our bitch and for that we love u, and ur just so nice and amazingly easy to talk to, unless u dye ur hair black and then i'll never tlak to u again, besides that i think ur just an amazing person who has odly taught me alot about myslef, and i thank u for that.
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