For those that still read LJ, just wanted to update that Kyle and I will be moving to California in 3 weeks time. I was offered a job there today, in the San Francisco Bay Area. We are incredibly excited to start this new chapter in our lives.
Your final copy submission is complete. I will pass your name on to Dr. Jessica Horowitz, the Assistant Dean of Student Services. Within the next few days, you should receive an email from her, which will serve as your formal receipt for the acceptance of your final copies by the Graduate School.
My survey is open to anyone, whether you game or not. I need 100+ responses so please please please fill out the survey and pass it on to friends and family!
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey for my thesis! This survey is open to anyone. You will be eligible to enter a raffle for a $25 gift card. Please contact with any questions. Feel free to link this and thank you for your participation!
New article up on RasterScribe! Come read about the halo effect (no, not that Halo), see pictures of sexy girls, and why plumbers make the best heroes here
Didn't get any financial aid this semester and my M.A. course that allows me to be enrolled as a student is $600. I've tried not to whine about money as much but seriously, if life could give me a break I'd appreciate it. No job prospects regardless of the hundreds of applications and the hours of networking. We have enough money to just pay
( Read more... ) now has a mobile version! Your phone should auto detect that you are accessing it from a mobile device. At the bottom of the page you will have the option of accessing the full site.
In an attempt to share my passion for both videogames and Psychology, I've started up a website where I will be reviewing video games from a psychological point of view. So if you want to see what goes through my head (and yours!) while playing videogames, feel free to wander over to