One of my rescue guineapigs came to me with bumblefoot - he'd been kept in a wire-bottomed hutch, poor thing. Was soon sorted but had got quite nasty and he hobbled about with his bandages for a while.
Yep, he was really uncomfortable for a while - once the ulcers had cleared up (we went with vet antibiotics as with piggies things like garlic are a no-no) and the dressings came off we gave him echinacea drops in his drinking water and calendula ointment (lanolin based not the cream) on his poor little toes. He got to quite enjoy having a pedicure in the end!
And then he discovered the joys of grass runs, and popcorning as an extreme sport! :)))))
Make our neighbors happy the odd donations so they won't complain, and sell the others which are surplus to keep us in high-protein poultry feed (they actually get pheasant feed which is 21% protein) which costs a little more than the average mash.
Find out if one of your neighbours has a good vegetable garden, too. We don't keep chooks ourselves because a) our yard is too small b)our dogs and cats would eat them and c) we have two neighbours within a block who keep chickens and sell the eggs on. The lady we usually by eggs from has summer squash going right now, and had broad beans earlier in the year. If anyone near you is growing veg, they've likely got a glut of summer produce, and you could probably quite easily set up a nice barter arrangement.
Actually we *are* the local neighbors with the veg garden. We've been eating our own salad, tomatoes, corn, carrots, zucchini, artichoke, and potatoes this year. Most of our neighbors are not interested in veg gardening much, they do flowers- which is nice, too.
Yay! Chickens! (Even better: someone else's chickens, so I don't have to deal with the troublesome bits, but get the marvelous descriptions and adorable photos. O;D )
I wish I could own chickens but I live in the city and farm animals aren't allowed. Back when I was a kid, one of my grandmothers lived on a small farm (which was on the outskirts of our city at the time). She had a chicken coop and when we went to visit her, she send us out with a basket to try to collect eggs from the surly hens who didn't appreciate us invading their hen house. Needless to say, she would also sometimes go out and kill a chicken and then pluck it and cook it up for dinner!
Xena is beautiful and I think she knows that ya'll rescued her! Gabrielle is very beautiful too! :)
Xena is even more beautiful in person. I was not able to capture with the camera the green iridescence on her black feathers. I'll keep trying though. =)
Comments 40
One of my rescue guineapigs came to me with bumblefoot - he'd been kept in a wire-bottomed hutch, poor thing. Was soon sorted but had got quite nasty and he hobbled about with his bandages for a while.
And then he discovered the joys of grass runs, and popcorning as an extreme sport! :)))))
Xena is beautiful and I think she knows that ya'll rescued her! Gabrielle is very beautiful too! :)
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