Wanna see what I have to fill out in order to qualify to buy same-sex domestic partner insurance benefits at my company?
Hint: They won't accept our Canadian marriage license.
Affidavit of Domestic Partnership
______________________________________ _____________________
Employee’s Name
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Comments 11
Just before Bush left office he pushed through an executive order to burn bridges.
He made it so that I must pay taxes on my partner's healthcare at the 'Fair Market Value' of the policy. IE as if she'd gotten the policy as an individual instead of part of my company's group plan healthcare. (Before that, it was pre-tax)
It's only about a $3,000/year difference. Not really a big deal on top of the $6,000/year extra I pay I federal taxes because I'm 'single'.
But you know, all I want is special privileges... ... Yeah, I'd LIKE MY NINE GRAND BACK PLZ!
Hahaha. Oh, the implications of this item...
I wonder if this insurance company hassles rednecks who marry their sister? ;]
I can run to the Justice of the Peace and get a marriage cert with a random, literally random, woman right now and none of this shit would apply. And it's not as though spousal insurance is 'cheap'. In most cases it's at least as bad as for the primary. So if the primary wants to double cover and double pay that way, who are they to declare otherwise, since either way they're getting their money? I hate even the concept of insurance and medical insurance triply so now after the healthcare reform terror scams they and the Retardicans spewed out.
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