Ahh yes time to update the long-neglected journal! For those who are wondering why I've been out of touch for so long, I refer you to the title above...in the past month on numerous occasions I have found myself thinking "wait! Slow down!" - stupid time, never listening to me
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This weekend was hectic as always but a lot of fun...fairly low expense too which is kind of nice given my increased spending in general this semester
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So in spite of my efforts, senior year has been continuing to speed by at a frightening pace. This is our last full week of class - next week we have 3 more days of class and then there's finals week (in which I only have a big-ass design report due but no actual finals - w00t). After that senior week, after that - graduation - commissioning
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OK so what's been happening lately to keep me from updating my poor neglected livejournal? I'll list off everything I can think of, so bear with me for some lengthy rambling
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Ahh yes, another "how this break has flown by" entry;-) The week has been exciting and chaotic - but extremely worthwhile. Bear with me, another lengthy entry ahead
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OK real update coming when I'm more conscious in the morning, I promise! Spring break has thus far been marginally productive, somewhat restful, and (as always) hectic!
Last night I came to realize how different some of my friends are from the rest of the world, in that, for the most part we have a far stronger sense of honor and justice than society today
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