Alright, here's the deal.
kevin_standlee is always talking about fans getting more involved in Hugo nomination and voting. This year, I've been trying to do some of that. I occasionally listen to the Escape Pod podcast; starting this week, they're reading this year's Hugo nominated short stories. On my way to
meetup thing yesterday, I listened to the first
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Comments 4
If that were how I voted, that is. I'm much more likely not to vote - even if I have the chance to do so.
Of course, there are worse stories on the ballot
In the short story category I am very curious about Kij Johnson because she's an author I have never heard of, and optimistic about the Swanwick and Chiang stories because both have produced very good work in the past (see, name recognition again) so I don't know that one possible dud (I haven't read it) is enough for me to worry about the nominations yet.
And for once there is nothing in the novel category that I'm reluctant to read.
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