Dear Utah 2014 Bid,
I'm writing as a member of the 2011 Westercon in San Jose to give you some insight into the "hearts and minds" of the voters this past weekend and to make some suggestions about your bid, bids in general, and how you can ensure your bid is strong and appealing to the electorate.(
Read more about my suggestions. )
Comments 46
I was unfortunately not able to vote at the business meeting because of the motion to carry the discussions over into the next time slot--when I had my reading, and as a professional, I'm not going to blow that off just so I can cast a vote. But thankfully, Kevin and Andy won.
I found the business about the "energetic young fans" pretty bad--How energetic can they be if they can't just roadtrip down to San Jose and host a party for a weekend? And I say this as someone who road-tripped his first Westercon 25 years ago when it was in San Diego, and in fact helped run one of the parties then. I blew of the masquerade to carve a watermelon boat for the SFWA suite (and because party staff got to stay for the party and I wanted to do author networking before I'd made my first sale).
I'd like to see Westercon brought back to what it was in the 80s at least.
As one of the people working Site Selection, I voted No Preference. (You'll just have to trust me on that.)
I did pre-support Portland on Friday or Saturday.
The lack of a presence of Portland fans was disturbing. There were some phone calls Saturday night which were even more disturbing and led me to believe that the lack of Portland fans (and thus implied lack of support) was a serious issue. But, during the business meeting when Gene said he couldn't recruit from the current Worldcon committee / staff / whatever until January, I totally lost faith in what was going to happen.
This discussion has been very enlightening to me
I said, "I'm not. I was born and have lived my entire life in California."
"Then why are you promoting a convention that isn't right in your back yard."
"Because they're my friends and because I think it would make a good convention."
Some folks still couldn't wrap their heads around that. But then again, I think some of them are the ones who didn't go to ConFrancisco in 1993 because San Francisco was much too far away from San Jose. [About 50 miles, for those who don't know it.]
and it is because of those that I do my best to be aware of alt means of getting to the Con Site.
And yes, I have thrown parties for distant events in my backyard: Denver, Japan, UK, and when living in NY for CA.
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