Title: Capture the Flag
triquetralmoon Rating: R
Genre: H/C (respiratory illness, PTSD)
Warnings: Swearing, violence, flashbacks of graphic torture
Spoilers: Season 4, this is set in between Criss Angel Is a Douchebag and Sex and Violence.
Summary: A soldier in the war to stop the apocalypse, Dean is running himself into the ground as he runs away
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Comments 31
Thank you! And thanks for sticking with it! (looooong story is looooong)
Having you ladies read my work - it's kept me excited about it, kept me on task to keep hacking at it with my editing stick.
I am an extreme shade of red. Those are some amazing compliments. Thank you. Wow.
Really, really happy that you didn't feel the descriptions of Dean's illness were repetitive.
So thrilled the boys rang true for you, especially for season 4. I'm glad my view of Sam came across - precisely that he isn't mean or stupid, he's just Sam trying to cope with this impossible situation in an unhealthy way.
Thank you so much for sticking with me on the journey and especially for all the support and reviews!
borgmama1of5 said it so much better than I could! This was a pleasure to read on so many different levels.
I'd like to say again that your s4 Sam is my FAVOURITE. Also, I really, really love that ending, and how it's hopeful in the midst of everything.
Thank-you for a great read! I'll miss your daily updates of yummyness. ;D
Thank you!
I'm so excited you liked my S4 version of Sam so much! What Dean's going through is a lot easier to pinpoint and identify. We've known since season one that he has huge self worth issues. Sam, on the other hand, has so many different levels of self-loathing going on - it is dizzying. And even at his most selfish, what he desires (or tells himself he desires) is selfless. When Sam said he's a riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a taco, he wasn't kidding!
I'm really happy you like the ending. It was hard to find a balance between brothers-at-odds and hope, especially considering that the episodes they are going to find themselves in shortly do a pretty good job of ruining whatever inroads they try and make.
Thank you for all the support and reviews and the rec! Will be posting it up at hoodietime now that it is all up.
Aww! Thank you so much! Thank you for coming along for the ride!
Thank you! So happy you liked it! Thank you for reading!
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