Sep 25, 2011 12:17
So yeah, I pre-ordered it yesterday because I am weak. It was a combination of having an actual release date and the article about companion NPCs that did me in. Also I really wanna play a twi'lek sith inquisitor okay!
Aug 21, 2011 21:06
Just got back from Ireland, have had zero net access so not read any messages. Will have photos and film of Fungie the dolphin up when I can manage it. Also I got to pet very sociable ray.
Aug 10, 2011 17:25
Going to Ireland tomorrow until the 21st.
Be good.
Aug 01, 2011 12:01
So I can post and comment and la-di-dah on lj to my heart's content, but can't edit posts at all. How am I supposed to keep track of my reading list, huh? God damn ddos attacks, fuck hackers.
Jul 21, 2011 13:22
Anyone on the f-list actually planning on playing it or not? I find myself getting interested despite myself since I heard the servers are not region/account locked like WoW.