Sep 10, 2006 23:59
"The psychic embrace entagles, with silky threads of spidery thoughts, trapped - like the silent wings of a butterfly in a web of affection no amount of struggle can free... nor ever wish to be." I thought it was kinda cool sounding. The friend that wrote it wasn't sure. Guys can be so insecure :)
Sep 04, 2006 17:35
I wish I could be invisible. Hear people I'm not supposed to hear. Go places with no body seeing me. That would be so cool. Not realy spy just sometimes people have masks on al the time and you wonder what there like for real.
Aug 11, 2006 22:36
Is it a sign when a person you care about but they frustrate the shit outta you keeps turnin up even tho your trying to push them away? Not to far away or forever just enough to clear your head. But seems every time then something happens to bring em right back.
Aug 04, 2006 14:24
Thinking about what makes a good friend. Are they the one there when you need help? The one that doesn't make fun when you fuck up? The one who loves YOU and not just part of you? Or don't they exist in one person and thats why you need a group so what one can't do another can? Wish I knew...
Jul 29, 2006 16:04
Holy shit!!! I had no clue LJ even existed and I can't believe the cool stuff I'm finding. Fuck yea!
Jul 24, 2006 19:10
I'm new to lj but some friends said it can be fun so here I am.