Name: Jamie
We respect the LJ code. Are you over 13?: Yes
Five positive adjectives to describe yourself: Empathetic because I can understand how everyone feels and what they`re feeling, and give them wonderful advice, even if I`ve never been through it myself. Curious because I always want to know what`s going on, who`s involved, etc. Intuitive because my gut instinct is really good and normally very correct. I trust it very much. Caring, because I can't stand people hurting, Intelligent, even though it doesn't really always show in my grades, I love learning and lastly, Friendly. Even if you're someone I don't like, I'll try to be nice to you.
Five negative adjectives to describe yourself: Procrastinator, Very Emotional, Sensitive, Low Self-Esteem, and very gullible.
Your hobbies/interests: Reading, Writing, Photography, Graphic Design, Hockey, Soccer, Learning, Astrology, Astronomy, Traveling and Cooking.
Your strengths: Because of my empathy, I can kind of be manipulative, which I figure to be a strength when I want something or someone wants something that's quite important. Writing, english, learning, teaching. I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of any.
Your weaknesses: Romance, friendships, relationships, movies, little kids, saving people, helping people.
What do people like most about you?: A lot of people say that they like how reliable I am and how good I am at giving advice and I pretty much have to agree.
Goals/aims for the future: I want to be an author, but that's too broad. Graduate university, travel with my friends after high school and buy an apartment.
Favourite quote/lyrics/phrase and why?: How would I ever consider a skill that gave me goose bumps a hobby?. This quote is said by Heather Waldorf in her novel, Tripping and I absolutely love it because it's one hundred percent true. You can't consider something that makes you feel different about yourself as a hobby. You have to pursue it.
There are also a lot of other quotes that I love, but it'd make this post too long.
Animal: Cats and Dolphins
Book: Oh, I can't pick one book. Look at my
goodreads account.
Food: Pasta of any kind.
Movies: I have a lot. Mostly romantic comedies. I like thrillers and mysteries, too.
Music: With over 15 000 songs on my laptop, this is an impossible answer. Especially with over 250 artists.
This or That
Leader or Follower: I'm actually a bit of both. In a large crowd, I follow but with my own group of friends I'm the leader.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Personally, I more of a optimistic but only when dealing with other people's problems.
Mature or Immature: Mature, definitely. Sure, with my friends, I can be both, but in my au natural place, quite mature.
Pleasure or Sacrifice: Pleasure. I was depressed most of my teenage years, sacrificing friendships because of it. I don't want to go back.
Confident or Shy: Lately, people have been telling me I'm quite confident, but I believe I'm quite shy.
Selfless or Selfish: Both. No one can be neither or either, it's impossible. Sure, you could be more one than the other, but not one and only one.
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted. I like spending time by myself.
Rule or Be Ruled: Neither. Like the first one, I'm not a good leader, but I don't like authority that much either.
True Blood
Favourite character and why?: Lafayette because he's black and gay! Aha, seriously though, he's a guy that despite his sexuality and race, makes everything work for him. He knows what he wants, and how to get it. He's fiercely loyal to his family and friends, plus, he's confident enough that he's not afraid to get up in anyone's face about anything.
Before he turned killer, I also liked Rene. He was loyal to his wife, in a way. He loved her, her kids and would do anything to make her happy. Plus, he was always there for Jason.
Least favourite character and why?: My least favorite character would have to be Tara and Sam. Tara because she's too motherfu**ing gullible and can lie so well to Sookie, which a friend shouldn't do, even if she is protective of her. Sam, because he takes Sookie to advantage so much. I mean, he was a dog and never even told her. At least he had the decency to look away though.
Anything else you'd like to add?: I'm only on the second season, beginning. I'm a newbie to this fandom!
Include a photo of yourself here (no more than 3!) or just describe yourself: Seeing as I don't like really showing photo's of myself on the internet, I'll describe. I'm short, approximately 4'8" and kind of on the chubby side. I have brown eyes, brown hair. My face is kind of chubby. My nose is small, my mouth medium. I wear glasses, thick eyebrows. Hair is naturally wavy.
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