quick note; GUYS. please be aware that if you posted a prompt in part six and it is now screened, i have posted them to the post already - so that you guys don't have to. thanks for being patient and making the fill-a-thon such a success
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For some reason this feels very apt. Fuck, maybe he needs a cigarette too. He needs something. And he definitely needs to not be still standing there when Mark makes his exit.
"Let’s go buy a pack," Eduardo suggests.
"I have asthma."
"I’m in love with a borderline sociopath."
"Just one," Sean says.
"You didn’t actually have to come with me," Eduardo clarifies after they've finished coughing.
"Holy fuck, now I want to die even more," Sean shares, flipping the shirts onto a neighbor’s fence in order to take a pull from his inhaler and brace his hands on his knees for moment. Then he says, "You totally adopted me, shut up," tucking his jacket between his knees and pulling his shirt over his head to switch it out with a clean one.
He tosses Eduardo’s over. It’s white with green lettering that says netaddress.usa.net and on the back reads,
also cuddling it hasn't happened yet but cuddling is my bullet-proof everything
Mark's on his phone for a good ten minutes as Eduardo tosses Sean's closet for two beach towels to spread over the coach. They're old and they're worn but it's workable, so he throws himself down on them and lays on his back, staring at the ceiling while Mark informs them that Chris is dealing with Sean's not-a-date. Chris will also have to speak to someone at Stanford, Mark says, and Sean makes a good attempt at appearing penitent before he gives up and collapses against the wall.
When Mark attempts to demand his attention, Sean sensibly throws his wallet at him. Eduardo considers raising a fist in solidarity, but he's trying to be unconscious.
"Christ, I cannot even right now. Can you just apologize for being a diabolical, power-hungry mastermind, agree to pay for our lawyer fees, as well as a sizable donation to some guy Eduardo will get you the name of, and then just cuddle him or whatever? And do not tell me you don't do cuddling. That right there is a man who needs to be cuddled ( ... )
Sorry Author, I was just about to comment (I love this, I've loved it for EVERRR~) but obviously we have a lying liar who lies.
Thanks for reading. *g*
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