Just a quick status update...
All cracks have been circled in red!
OOOOOOHH!! That's a bad one! And that one started showing up a mere 2 hours later! *wince* Believe it or not, that's not going to be too difficult to fix.
Seeing as this isn't 100% dry yet, I'm not sure if the one circled and labeled "maybe" will actually crack. We'll have to wait and see on that one.
That's one's minor and will most likely come out once I start sanding. This crack gets the "easiest one to fix" award. W00T!
Yes, even the most experienced users get cracks in their model magic projects. So for those of you who are using model magic for the first time, if you get a crack in something, that doesn't mean you have to toss it and stomp around the house for the next few hours. This sword is the crackiest thing I've made to-date and I'm fully confident that I can fix and/or hide every single one of them. I fully expected to get cracks in this puppy, especially around the craft foam area. Thankfully, yet another layer of craft foam is going to go down to make the "tiara" so that will hide some of it. By time I'm done with this, you won't even know that this thing was covered in cracks! *flexes poor excuse for muscles*
Proceed to Step 14