Don't think I've forgotten about you! ^_^ Like I said! Life is giving hectic a new definition right now. *flop*
I wasn't able to do a whole lot tonight, but this is just to give a general idea of what to do here for those following along. (this step takes FOREVER!!)
If you compare this picture to the "24 hours later" post, you can see that some of the deep cracks where you can see through to the foam have worsened. Once those get to their widest, you can be pretty sure it's completely dry (with maybe the exception of the bottom knob, depending on how much you have to do to it). The only parts I have actually sanded smooth for now is the flat part which is below the skinny, stubby little pink wing thingers and all the way around that bottom area. So really, it doesn't look like I've done much, but in practice, it's really a lot!
Bottom knob is sanded smooth, too. This part turned out flawlessly. I'm quite relieved, too. I've had knobs on previous wands crack and those are an absolute PAIN IN THE BUTT to fix because they're rounded edges. *twitch twitch* For those of you doing this as well, all the bumpy details can be done with puffy paint! ~_^ Sand paper and hand-carving can only do so much.
And a word to the wise. If you have asthma or a related breathing problem and the above picture scares the living crap out of you, wear a mask. This pile is JUST from the aforementioned sanding. That's a lot of dust. And not all of the dust actually fell in the pan. It's all up my arms, on my pants, on the floor. Everywhere. I even think I may have some in my ears. Either that or I still need to adjust to my new haircut. But whatever. This stuff flies everywhere and if you think you may need to wear a mask, DO IT! There's going to be lots and lots of dust before this project is over.
Proceed to Step 15