So, because of the absolutely crazy party that was the
last night, I didn't get home 'til ten of three in the morning!
Went to bed, and got up again three hours later. Somewhat difficult,
but totally not worth complaining about. Had a very awesome time.
As exciting as the NFL festivities were, can't help but rejoice that,
as far as real football is concerned, internationals are over and
tomorrow we have lots of lovely EPL matches. I miss JT. But
Jose seems pretty sure he'll be back soon... FSC isn't showing Chelsea-Sunderland 'til Sunday afternoon. Blah.
And oh yes, I got tagged by
kels450 to do this:
Write 20 random facts about yourself then tag the same amount of people as minutes it takes you to write the facts.
1. When I got home last night, I had a package from FedEx which contained my shiny new
livejournal coffee mug, and I was very excited. Don't make fun.
2. I've never been out of the United States. Ever. Not even to Canada.
3. There is
a Furby on my desk.
4. I'm an only child.
5. I've been skiing basically since I could walk.
6. Every July I'm completely preoccupied with Le Tour de France.
7. I really, really dislike rap.
8. I don't fall asleep at night very easily.
9. Winter is my favorite season.
10. I have a goldfish named Captain Splashy.
11. I'm awfully sarcastic.
12. I probably drink way more coffee than really is necessary.
13. Slash is one of my most favoritest things in the world.
14. Along with The Beatles.
15. And footie.
16. I can speak Spanish fairly well.
17. I'm seeing U2 in Boston in....*counts*... 23 days. Eeeee!!!!
18. I'm currently taking a forensics/criminalistics class, and today I
smashed a car headlight with a hammer, so that I could attempt to put
it back
together again.
19. Speaking of smashing things, I get really exasperated when I think
about the lack of appreciation Americans generally have for football.
20. Speaking of football, Chelsea totally owns me.
Hmm. Definitely just realized I didn't bother to look at the time when I started this. Let's pretend it's been 10 minutes.
_eleventyone? Anyone else? If you're interested?