I was initially thinking of starting a community for all of us that got a 10th Anniversary PSP, but then I didn't know what the point would be, there's not that much that we could post about that the Crisis Core and PSP comms don't already cover … soo I decided on starting a blog crew. That way all of us who have one can all be in one place, but without the need of posting XD
Comment with you PSP number to be added to the crew.
Only one:
You must own a 10th anniversary PSP. Otherwise what's the point of joining?
Oh wait, two rules:
Don't alter the code. Unless it looks screwy or something. But if that's the case, please let me know ;)
The Code:
>>> Shin-Ra Electric Power Company ID #: your PSP number here >>> Shin-Ra Electric Power Company ID #: your PSP number here Final Fantasy VII 10th Anniversary PSP Blog Crew:
zarsu ~ #01384
unavalible ~ #02419
darkmiyuka ~ #09825
siriusjazz ~ #34329
ahvia ~ #35811
kuroikisei ~ #38709
gearcheim ~ #39939
eternal_edge ~ #42776
nighty_sha ~ #55133
cskazaam ~ #58955
idiosynacophony ~ #54919
tonykm ~ #70797
ttiot ~ #76236
UPDATE: As of May 2008, this crew is still open and I don't have any plans to close it. So if you find this and want to join, go ahead and comment; You'll be added ^_^
I will add something saying it's closed when/if I do.