Everybody come to the show at the spike on friday. It starts at 7 and it's 5 dollars. the people who are playing are... R.A.M.B.O. Everything beautiful Hordak The Clap
Theres a party afterwards if you come maybe you'll be invited.
The show was awesome last night. The river city rebels are the most ridiculous band ever. "I see you three girls looking at my guitar player you want to give him a blowjob don't you." hahahahahahaha I made 4 dollars by going up to the guitar player and grabbing his butt. I wish I hadn't. It wasn't worth 4 dollars.
We won the worst band ever contest. We're fucking awesome. We're going to get good now. We have a show at the B-Side thats funny. In the past week we have been in the spokesman reveiw, the inlander and 7. What the hell is wrong with this town do you not realize that we suck. But shit at least we're all hot. yeah.