The Basics
Name: Lecretia
Nickname: Cretia, Crish, Cat-chan
Age: 21 (22 in about 3 weeks)
Gender: Female
Likes: Irony, humor, human anatomy and physiology, music, being understood, being in control, helping other people, completing a goal I set out to do, day-dreaming, math, sharing what I love with those I love, thinking (puzzles, philosophical), ideas/opinions/people who break the norm/mold (as long as they don't extend beyond my set mores), medical/scientific discoveries, listening, observing
Dislikes: Filling out personality profiles like these (it never seems adequate enough and I always feel like I need to explain myself), discrimination, anything to do with children being harmed, spiders, brainfarts (I get them too often), my poor memory (dealing with remembering stuff I learn in my major... it's frustrating), people who are completely disrespectful to those around them, having trouble making a decision
Hobbies: Fooling around on the internet, reading, drawing, writing, learning Japanese culture/language, anime/manga, karaoke
Talents: Er... I'm creative, I'm rhythmic (as in I'm good at keeping a beat whether with playing an instrument or dancing), I'm good at math, I'm pretty good at drawing, I'm good at Sudoku
Ambitions/Goals: I want to get a secure job in the medical device field or genetics field, and I want to live near family (friends would be nice as well)
Strong points: I'm determined and I rarely ever completely give up; if I falter I brush myself off and get back up; I'm forgiving and I don't hold grudges; I'm open to new ideas
Weak points: I have too much pride, it is sometimes causes more harm than good; I need more self-discipline; I can be too bull-headed and stubborn; I have a hard time speaking and explaining myself (I'm always stumbling over what I want to say); I have a hard time making decisions
Your personality in 3 words: Determined, stubborn, caring
Mature/immature: I think I'm more mature than what I used to be but I could always be more mature; I think I'm mature in how I handle people (I'm respectful, kind), but I need to be more mature in how I handle myself (I need to stand up for myself more often, deal with my problems better, learn from mistakes better)
Outgoing/shy: I'm shy and quiet around people I don't know. I prefer listening to speaking because I like to observe the world around me and try to understand others (I also have issues about sharing myself... I'm cautious). However, about something I'm passionate about, I can be talkative.
Graceful/clumsy: I actually think I'm pretty graceful... I rarely ever trip or fall. However, I'm not very graceful when it comes to eating... I still have some ways to go (I'll sometimes forget to chew with my mouth closed if I'm not thinking about it). My table manners need some work. Erp.
Optimistic/pessimistic: I'd like to consider myself realistically optimistic. With age, I've become more realistic about my abilities and the world around me, so the standards I set are not as high as they used to be (I was the biggest perfectionist when I was younger; however, nowadays I have a Type B personality and tend to slack off sometimes... which can be both good and bad). I'll always strive for as best as I can, but I'm more lenient on the outcome. In some situations, I refer it as hoping for the best while expecting the worst.
Leader/follower: I really don't know. I normally prefer following, but many of the opinions and ideas I support can sometimes be set against the norm (or at least the norm around me). And I have risen to the occasion of leading a group or project. But normally, I just prefer settling with someone else taking the lead and providing help.
Color: Green
Animal: Cat (all kinds, wild or domestic)
Food: Japanese, Indian, Mexican, Lebanese, Chocolate, Cheesecake
Scents/smells: Fruity smells (scented lotions), flowers
Fairy tale: Probably Beauty and the Beast. I always seem to notice whenever the theme shows up in other series I like (the appearance vs. reality of beauty): The Phantom of the Opera, Frankenstein, Please Save My Earth, Full Metal Alchemist, Baccano!, Princess Tutu (I don't know about anyone else, but Fakir fits the role of the Beast to me... maybe not physically, but he always tries to put the appearance of someone cold, hard, and stoic even though he necessarily isn't... he's a softie at heart). Of course, I'm biased on this because the Disney version of BatB would have to be one of my favorite movies ever (it's a classic!).
Princess Tutu character, explain: Even though I love the four main characters to death, I'm gonna have to say Drosselmeyer (partially because he amuses me, partially because I can level with him, and partially because I can't decide between the four). I love humor and I like being amused, and Drosselmeyer amused me greatly... in fact, he reminds me a lot of my Grandpa. They're both old stinkers that have morbid senses of humor at times and seek to be entertained. The series would not have been the same without him. Also, sometimes, like him, I rather prefer a tragic and/or bittersweet ending to the series I'm watching/reading. They just feel more appropriate to me. Or those kind of endings get me more emotional than happy endings do, and sometimes I just want to be emotional. Of course, I never get a sort of sadistic pleasure out of it like how he does, but that's what makes him so special and amusing. But what really sold me on him would have to have been the ending of the series. He could have whined and complained and sulked for a long time about not getting his way, but after a few minutes of shocked disappointment he just stands up with that smirky, dorky grin and heads off to the next story. I admire that, the ability to be a good sport, take it like a mature adult, and move on. Also, his whole, "Wait, maybe I'm part of a story. Heheh. In that case, do with me as you wish!" had me rolling on the ground laughing. I mean, it just sounded so wrong coming from his mouth. I love him! We need more people like that.
Least Favorite
Color: Orange
Animal: Spider (arachnophobia ftw!!)
Food: Olives
Scents/smells: Spearmint
Fairy tale: Once again, I'm gonna have to be biased and say Cinderella, a lot of it due to the fact that it's one of my least favorite Disney movies. I guess I'm just not agreeable of the mindset of the so-called "Prince" rescuing the poor "Damsel" from whatever troubles she has. Then again, on the same lines, I don't care for Snow White either: wasn't a favorite Disney movie either, and neitherdo I like "waiting for my Prince to come". Honestly, the "Prince" character never intrigued me. I always considered him boring and flat. Mythos would have to be the first Prince I've ever liked (as in showing the expected qualities of the Prince: noble, chivalrous, charismatic, love for all, protector of the weak, pure). Of course, Mytho ended up being more than that (Raven's blood and all, and also his time without a heart), but even at the end when he finally became the "Prince" I was all squealing (yes, squealing like a little girl... I couldn't believe it myself) over him.
Princess Tutu character, explain: Er... probably Pique. Pique and Lilie ended up representing two types of fangirls to me: the kind that obsessively adores to the point of worship (I mean, she referred to Fakir as Fakir-sama), and the kind that obsessively adores to the point of wankery. Pique liked helping others out, Lilie loved causing conflict. I must ashamedly admit that I've done both during my time in fandom (about 7 years or so). Yet I must also ashamedly admit that wankery amuses me. It's so addictive and fun to watch. Lilie's antics amused me; Pique, on the other hand, was dull and boring. If you're not gonna give me character development, at least amuse me please.
Have you ever taken ballet lessons? How did you find the experience? When I was like 4 or 5. I quit it after a few weeks. I once went to see a ballet when I was around 10 or 11, and I walked out early with my mom. I mean, I agree it's beautiful, but like opera it's just not my thing... I find it kind of boring. I have a lot more respect for it, but it's still not my thing
If you find out that the only way to save the one you love is to disappear into a flash of light, what would you do? This is actually a hard question. I have no fear about turning into a flash of light, but is leaving the one I love necessarily going to "save" him/her? Is it what s/he wants? My mom is my most important person to me now, and I know my death before hers would hurt her greatly. However, in the heat of a moment, I would probably willingly disappear.
If your life were a fairy tale, which would it be (and why?) Ugh, seriously, I don't know. Hm... maybe the Wizard of Oz (and I'm basing this off of the classic movie version). I'm always on the search for a smarter brain, a bigger heart, and more bravery, and I travel far and wide to find myself. But, in the end, there's no place like home (after all my travels, I just want to be with my family during my breaks).
Picture (optional -- feel free to just describe yourself if you don't have/don't want to post pictures): I suck at describing myself and I have no pictures that are are more recent than a couple of years (getting a camera this Christmas though, yay!). Uh, brown hair just above the shoulders, no bangs, natural curl (likes to curl out), medium-sized, dark eyebrows (normally very think but I pluck them down some), hazel eyes, oval face, white and clear skin
Links to 3 apps you voted on (edit your post as you go on): else? :3 Could you please bring back the Heart Shards Theme? I was too busy this semester with classes, so I wasn't able to fill one of these out in time to participate in that monthly theme. I'm on break now, and I ended up taking a good chunk out of my day today in order to fill out this application (like 6 hours... it's one of the reasons I dislike filling out these things).