Stamped; Heart Shards Theme

Mar 08, 2008 22:31

Name: Mango
Age: 18
Gender: Female~

What do you like most about yourself? Physically- I love my eyes. They're like this strange orange-brown color.... kinda like caramel. I dont have those lines like everyone else has, but instead I got small black dots. XD It's very strange. Personality wise- I like my carefree attitude. I hardly ever get stressed and I think if the world was a little more relaxed everything would be a bit better.
What do you like least about yourself? Physically.... my weight. I'm pudgy. xD Personality... I don't like the social aspect of my personality. Sure I'm friendly, but I also get really nervous when I'm meeting new people. Also, I can't stand in front of large crowds.
How do you act in the company of other people? I'm a nervous train wreck if I don't know them, but if I'm at a party with people I know, I'm super happy and quite crazy sometimes. XD

Put an X (or whatever symbol you'd like) on all the options that apply to you.
Example: [X] Happy

Which of these words appeal to you? (Explain in brief beside each of the options you chose, if you feel the need to expound.)
[ ] Contented
[ ] Distressed
[ ] Melancholy
[ ] Moving
[ ] Frustrated
[X] Loving (I love basically everyone~ I like giving hugs to everyone everday. XD)
[ ] Scared
[X] Optimistic (I fairly optimistic. I guess it goes along with my carefree attitude. :D)
[X] Kind (I dont intentionally hurt people. I try to not swear in order to not offend anyone and I try not to say bad things.)
[ ] Inquisitive
[ ] Self-important
[ ] Confident
[ ] Loyal

Using the same list from above, which feelings do you experience the most? (Explain in brief if you want.)
[x] Contented (care free attitude~)
[ ] Distressed
[ ] Melancholy
[ ] Moving
[ ] Frustrated
[ ] Loving
[ ] Scared
[x] Optimistic
[ ] Kind
[ ] Inquisitive
[ ] Self-important
[ ] Confident
[x] Loyal (I have my freshman minions that follow me... it's very odd.)

In general, are you more...
Introverted/extroverted? Introvert... or at least that's what I came down to during my religion class [it's required i take it]. Although I'm generally honest with anyone, I do have a tendency to ball things up inside my head and I have a hard time bearing all my feelings.
Bold/timid? Timid...
Warm/detached? Warm... I guess~
Optimistic/pessimistic? Optimistic. I always keep saying "it'll get better... you'll see~"
Emotionally strong/weak? emotionally i'm fairly strong. I do have points at which I break down, but I'm pretty good at keeping myself together.
Skeptical/trusting? Skeptical. I have a hard time knowing when people are making fun of me, so I'm always skeptical about people when they're wispering to each other. Also, it takes a great deal for me to put my faith in someone.
Ambitious/idle (or perhaps already content)? Already content~ XD I don't mind change, but I'm usually content with the way things are.

Explain your answers as much as you can.

Do you consider yourself moody? Why or why not? Not really. I mean, I do snap sometimes... but it happens very seldomly. XD I dont get angry that often either.
What mood do you usually find yourself in? BORDEM~ which is why I am doing this actually.
Which feeling have you least experienced (or don't want to experience)? Love... besides family love, I've never had a boyfriend... so yeah.
When someone wakes you up early in the morning, how do you usually react? BAH!!!!!!! *rolls over and goes back to sleep for five minutes* *wakes up five minutes later and stumbles to get food and change her clothes*

What do you think of what's happened in your life so far? My life up until the start of middle school was pretty good... I hated my grade school, but I delt with it. Middle school sucked. High school rocked~ XD Mostly I'm pretty happy with the way my life has been run.
What do you imagine your future to be like? Content? I dunno. I'm going off to college and having a bit of fun along with my studies, so yeah.... conent.
Can you tell us something (anything! Can be a song, an object, fanart, anime, food, etc.) that touched you very deeply? There was this movie we watched in religious studies class (required course at my school fyi)... It was called "White Rainbows" and it was about this group of widows who try to make a difference in India's widow population. The widows had been mistreated and sent to a "widow city" after their husbands died and they loose their names, their homes, and everything they once held dear. A wealthy widow comes to town and realizes all the trouble that the poor widows go through and she tries to make a difference. It's quite a good movie and it's very inspirational. :D Probably the thing that touched me the most.
If you were Mytho and had a choice not to get one (and only one) of your heart shards back, which one would it be and why? Loneliness. What is the point of getting the rest of the heart shards back if I can't feel the love or affection of anyone else. I'd been endlessly alone and it would just ruin the whole point of having a heart... -_-'

Links to 3 apps you voted on (update as you go on):

affection, !heartshardsthemestamped

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