Took a 2-week vacation to China back in early May. Damn good time. Got some hiking in on the Tibetan border, spent some time in Qingdao (where the beer is from), then Chengdu (capital of Sichuan). Beijing was the least interesting place I stayed
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Ungoddamnedbelievable. A 6-3 game and a 7-0 season. Caught the game from the Alumni bar in NYC. Packed out the damn door. I was surprised to see so many UA alum there. Ohh crap, what a mess of a weekend. Only to further degenerate as we roll into the halloween weekend.
Does anyone have a way to get tickets to the TN game on the 22nd? I'm seriously considering flying down there for the game.
Oh, I've been in Denmark for almost two week now 'for work', screw you cats. Was also at a bankers conference a few weeks back in Times Square. OOOOOO life is tough.
I can't handle not playing halo. The complete map pack is out now, but I can't play shit thanks to this god forsaken hotel. Hopefully the next hotel has a network compatible with live
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I apparently had a dream the other night that I was working in Japan. Still with Maersk but in the Tokyo office. Then I woke up and was quite angry of the shock of "no, I'm in fucking Jersey
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Almost ready to move. Managed to unload quite a bit of stuff onto Luke, gave my bed to Jeff for their big move. Still have a few things left (couch, computer desk, kind of entertainment unit, bedromm dresser). Anyone need anything?
Have one final today and I'm done. ST411, you're stinkin' probability densities and what-not don't scare me. Finish shit up here, do the graduation thing tomorrow, clean shit out of my apartment, and move out
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