Title: Feel Author: Amanda Rating: PG (oh my another PG one?) Pairing: Yoonhyun (minor though) Author Note: Inspired by my piano teacher. Disclaimer: This is loads of bullcrap.
k, leaving a comment cuz you threatened to cut me lol but haha I'd leave a comment either way! another PG from you! your rated ones are hot but these PG ones are rlly good, like seriously. Also haha inspired by your piano teacher? I hate my piano teacher -.- okay onto the story looolol the story was rlly sweet, like when Yoona tells Seobaby its okay to feel, and then in the end they kissed. Oh how I love YoonHyun!! Okay read over my comment and it doesn't rlly make sense but whatever xD off to read yer other oneshott.
Actually it's Seohyun's teacher that says it's okay to feel 8'D and your comment does make sense, sorry I threatened to cut you lol /my way of trying to be gangstuh Thank you for finding it sweet and thank you for reading <3
gah, this was too adorable. i love everything that the seonsaengnim said even though i won't take that advice for anything lol (i can't not let go of my sight :X). but nonetheless it made me feel something, not sure what yet, but something. :) thank you for writing this.
I know how you feel, I got the exact same feeling when he told me. Sight is something we're so used to, you're just afraid to let go. Thank you for reading this, you're comments always make me very happy =)
Comments 13
Thank you for finding it sweet and thank you for reading <3
I very much enjoyed it! ^^
(so don't cut me)
(and don't worry I won't cut you~)
The world needs more happy YoonHyun ^^
I like this fluff - Amanda jjang ;]
The world indeed needs more happy yoonhyun
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