Update 17.0 mmm...decks!

Jul 18, 2009 17:25

New decks

Our first OP/ED deck this week is Wonderful Days! Voting for the next OP/ED deck is still open!

For ontheradio, rajipuri, and tenimyucd CDs, you must master 3 CD decks before you can redeem your tennis scoresheets for them. So this means that after you have a total of 45 different CDs in your possession, you can redeem any CD you want!

New donations
Michelle and Keselyx donated new level banners!

New affiliates

brotcg is a TCG that is centered around all of animanga + video -games~.

Game set
lucathia_rykatu mastered rivals and is now collecting glorious!
hibimaosuki mastered platinum, kenken, naniwa, shioin, single and is now collecting resolve!
disutansu mastered habu, cds02 and is now collecting airport!
perimones mastered gekokujou and is now collecting sleepy!
nerrin mastered crime, fujouri and is now collecting power!
nnoilalala mastered fuun and is now collecting jump!
histoirede mastered master, megane, usu, strict, scenario, sister and is now collecting seishun!
_sabriel mastered platinum and is now collecting pillar!
himilika mastered smile, kenken and is now collecting treasure!
xianaasuka mastered silver and is now collecting minor!
ashkahchan mastered serves, capoeira, duounion and is now collecting older!

Match set
to be added.

Please take 4 cards from the newly released normal decks. They must all be from different decks and cannot be CDs because those are considered special. Comment with what you take~. If you donated for look-alike, you may also take the card you donated.

Birthday freebies
Happy birthday to Ikeda Masaya! (Haha, you might be going, who?) He's one of the second years in Seigaku. Please take 1 random Seigaku card from the Seigaku randomizer. Be sure to take the first card you see.

- If you claimed a spot for the theme deck technique, please get your image in as soon as possible. :) This is the first time the slots have been completely filled! I guess special moves are easier to think of, yeah?

- Our current website is working again, so we'll be sticking with it. :) But if it ever goes down, I have a backup ready~

- I'm currently looking for a Fudoumine layout for our website. Details here! The deadline is July 25th.

- I've added new milestones to our special event deck! Check them out~. If you have any questions about them, ask away. If you have any suggestions for milestones, please private message me or comment here with them. :)

- I also added a new Hall of Fame showcasing members who have mastered special decks. :)

Non TCG related, there's a Tenipuri Big Bang going on at drive_a on Dreamwidth that I'm entertaining thoughts of joining...only if I have a team. I'm looking for at least one beta and one artist to illustrate what I write. Having co-writers would be awesome too! I have no idea what to write yet, but hopefully inspiration will hit me soon. XD; The goal is to write 20k and have 3 illustrations for the project.


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