So I've decided I need a hobby. Something to do other than study. I was talking to some people at work and they just formed a pool league. I used to play competitively but stopped because of school. Late nights during the week are not conducive to getting to work early so I can leave for class. The cool thing about this league is it is Friday night
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Wowzers am I glad it is almost Friday! Week 2 of classes, boy out of town, 2 crazy puppies to take care of, work drowning me with malarkey *wipes forehead* it has been a long week to say the least
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We closed on the house yipee! I am now officially really broke and a homeowner. I appears that the snow has decided to interfere with moving tonight. I really wanted to move my bed into the new abode to be able to sleep there. Oh well, I suppose I just need to be patient. That is another one of my New Year's resolutions: learn to be patient.
Why is it that I get sad when my clothes start falling off when I am on a diet. Isn't that the whole point of being on a diet? I sure as hell get frustrated and angry when I go shopping for clothes and everything fits wierd because I'm fluffy. I guess I need to invest in some nifty belts or have snaps implanted into my hip bones to attach my pants
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