Queen size (60"x80") waterbed newer mattress with wave canceling foam inside. 12 drawers for the base (can be 6) 18" (or 9") inches high for the base Darker wood and newer solid state heater unit.
Asking $200. Pics can be uploaded if there is any interest.
Yahoo email seems to have been hacked... I sent most of you a text with my new Gmail account. And if you did get a random link from yahoo/sorta me then please delete it.
Trying to network a windows 7 and an XP machine to share folder... not having luck KB 922120 already installed on xp machine work network (or home network) selected on 7 Both have accounts for the users on each Folders have specific permissions set.
Think I've lost another hard drive... Bios can see it still... windows won't show it.
Fortunately much of it is replaceable.... but if its another Seagate I'm done with the company for HD's as this will be my 3rd random failure from them in 5 years.