Weekend Stuff

Jun 02, 2008 16:01

Doin a little catch up here.. Lori's on vacation this week which lets me play at the 'quiet' office.. *shhh* ;)

Sat: BBQ at Mandi & Geoff's new home in Sunnyvale.. they moved into a very nice mobile home. Dawn & Eric came with baby Genna, and Geoff grilled up some great tri-tip steak and chicken. Was pretty crappy outside so just stayed indoors. After Dawn & Eric left I stuck around and we watched the Indy Jones: Temple of Doom. Still have to watch the new one, will get around to that soon.
Sun: Hung out at Erica's that night and watched the last couple of ep's of Sex In The City season 1.
Mon: BBQ with my family, and we invited Dawn & Eric so then everyone could get to see Genna. Was a very nice time and she's an absolute angel.

Past weekend:

Fri: Went to Beer Friday and Geoff & Mandi were able to get a sitter and come out for a couple of hours so that was nice. Some of Mandi's co-workers were there as well. Got to talk again to a few people I met on the beer bus so that was cool too. Talked to this 23 yr old Brit guy Stu who moved here last year and was looking for cool places to go to so I gave him some tips. He actually thought I was around his age too.. sweet! ;P

Sat: Well I don't think dark beer agrees with me cuz it gave me a hangover. :\ Didn't even get a major buzz! ah well.. think i'll stick to the lighter kind or have wine, lol. Dealt with my headache and blahness and thankfully felt better by the eve.. had Sex In The City plans that night! Got to raven_makah's with Erica around 5p and had a little pre-party with appletinis and played some adult mad-libs, heh. Grabbed a cab to the Market St. mall theatre (stupid driver took the scenic route) and after a hike thru the mall to find the place had to get in the massive line for seats. Went quickly but the early birds got the good seats so got stuck in the second row where people on the screen looked 10ft tall, eep. All the women like us were all dressed up so was pretty funny.. never saw so many dresses and heels at a movie, ha. Was a great movie and very fun. Afterwards Erica and I hunted for a bite to eat to prepare for the next round of drinks and settled for a Walgreens ham sandwich.. not too bad either, lol. The mall's food court were a-holes and shut down on us. So we grabbed a cab to the W Hotel to check out the XYZ bar and had a drink while being 'entertained' by the crowd. There was a Dave Navarro wannabe in a fur coat and sunglasses who was celebrating his 30th b-day. He was joined by a nerdy Kid-Rock wannabe and skanky hos. :P Lots of 80's style people too, very odd. After our first drink we decided to switch gears from the 'oomcha oomcha' crowd to something classier and went to the Nob Hill area to 'Le Club'. Classy indeed and was nice to sit at the bar with some champagne and have a mellow atmosphere. Cool bartender too. Grabbed a table nearby and did some people-watching. The best was the guy with (as raven_makah puts it) 'big cheeks', lol. And talking about his face here just to be clear. ;P Good looking guy, but yea he did have rather small eyes and a big face, heh. So was a pretty cool place and even has a little dining area in back and a room with a pool table as well. That was our last stop for our ladies night out, hoo-hah.
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