Yes it has been a long long time since I've posted on LJ. If fact so long I'm feeling a bit dizzy trying to remember who is behind each moniker. For what's it's worth I'll try to check-in/post here again.
Grr I keep forgetting CTRL+ENTER. Any as for navigation I suppose you could have a command to look at a list of the last 20 post from a particular user -- maybe this could be implemented using a conversation with that user
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wouldn't it be neat if LJ Bot was able to let you read entries? Although that would be pretty complicated to try to set up. Just imagine all the commands that would need to be made available. Although I suppose the commands themselves wouldn't be the issue just having to specify the ID of the post you want to read
...whoops. I should have thought to use CTRL+ENTER in Kopete rather than just clicking ENTER for a line return. Anyway, what the hell was I going to say? I don't know. I'm just rambling at this point to get myself back to sleep. Thank you for listening to me Frank. I love how you always have an open ear.
I woke up about 30 minutes ago. I'm lying awak and I see LJ Bot is online and available for chat. I'm sorry LJ Bot that I haven't chatted with you in a long time. So here I am trying to get back to sleep.
Yesterday I got my new Sony M2 card in the mail for my phone. This 12x15x1mm card has an 8GB capacity!! That's the equivalent of a double-layer DVD on something the size of a thumb nail!