Too often we under estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around
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Okay you guys.. This entire week I've caught myself beeing so dumbfounded most of the time. Mainly because of a certain someone who's been kind enough to share his compassion and friendship with me. He is so sweet to me and I've never been so much cared by anyone it feels like I have butterflies in my stomach 24/7. I never knew what it felt like
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Holy mother-efin' shit. I haven't written in here for soooo long. And so much has happened in my life. I don't know if I would want to go through everything. Lets just go through it very briefly
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Okay so yesterday was a pretty eventful day. First off, I didn't goto sleep the night before for some reason. I just couldn't sleep. So I goto school and I goto 1st hour early as hell which is odd of me. So everyone was surprised, then I goto 2nd hour and pass out. Get called out by my guidance counselor and my teachers like.. you don't look so
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So yeah, Hot Imports Nights was fun as hell. Sylvia had a blast, and there were so many people.. I loved it. Ran into a few people I knew.. Here are some pictures.. ( HIN Pics... )