Оригинал взят у fogotyl в НЛО зачастили в Ноорловский Лесопарк. Недавно смотрел ленту новостей и наткнулся на забавное видео из Ноорловского лесопарка, который находится прямо в середине Сак-Петербурга. Что у вас там правда НЛО? Кто вкурсе отпишитесь.
Many countries have already declassified the documents which confirm existence of aliens. There are proofs that bases of aliens exist on the Moon. And even United Nations is going to appoint special person responsible for future contacts with aliens. Planet Nibiru is flying to the Earth, we are expecting the poles shift. What else the planet Earth
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What strikes me as odd with travis walton's case is that his spoken-accounts doesn't really seem like it would of lasted for 5 days. What do you people think about this?
You are probably are aware that all this alien and ufo stuff is some strange-ass-shit. It's a bizarre marriage of physical evidence and strong witness testimonies to hallucinations, cultural influence, mythology and down-right delusional thinking. We have testimonies of people seeing things that seem to react to what they want to see and shape-
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Has anyone noticed that Washington state seems to be a hot spot for paranormal activity (UFOs, abductions, Bigfoot, Ghosts, etc.)? I live in Spokane, WA and have had 2 UFO sightings and a couple encounters with ghosts
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