Nov 26, 2011 21:54
purposeless innuendo
can fill the screen
quicker than most
any coming attraction
Nov 25, 2011 20:29
began quite some
time before
I would hesitate
to so much
as hazard a guess
when or with
what the present
originates beyond
being born
that only accounts
for the potential
of starting there
was a word &
it needed many
a mouthpiece
Nov 23, 2011 22:09
notice a corner
of the pillow
heated by the laptop
ac/dc adapter I
think I'll turn in
Nov 22, 2011 22:27
worry over the piano solo
recordings afraid they might be
incompletely unreleased
riddled with false start alternates
off-pitch & fake stereoed
poorly annotated on cheap pressings
subject to shady bootleggery
oversold noise removal
underwhelming remastering
fully slapdash packaging
or way too ornamental at
considerable additional expense
Nov 21, 2011 22:28
not that I'm ungrateful
to be exposed to this mind
of winter business but
am sorry it took a book
Nov 20, 2011 23:25
almost leaf
practically twig
virtually bark
potential trunk
suggestive seed
impending limb
just about branch
Nov 18, 2011 23:02
thoughts not easily stopped
are readily distracted
by plot & pictures
graphic mapping
moveable type
I'm surprised movable
also appears acceptable
rather than suspicious
which could become
worrisome if resolve
weren't fortunately in
such short supply