Moving soon. Many things to do. Looking forward to the new house, hopefully it's all fixed up real nice like. Still deciding on how to lay things out... Come for a visit sometime.
that is yet to be determined. all of the moving details are very last minute, which is often the case with me. i just called mts this morning to setup the transfer of service, and the earliest tech i could get is for the monday after we move in. 4 days without internet?! no tv and no internet make derek something something...
Headin' back to the ol' neighbourhood (charleswood, west siiiide!!). Renting a house as my current lease is up. my roommate is moving in too, and most likely a buddy of his is moving in with us. it's the ghetto area of charleswood, and it's far from everything, but it's a house which is nice, and it should be cheaper (if there's 3 people), and possibly roughly the same if it's only the two of us. depends on the utilities..
I think we should be ok, but if you like moving (cuz you're weird like that) you're more than welcome to come down and enjoy the moving experience with us and help out. what we could use is a big brown box with an xp media center edition cd key written across the side ;) can never have too many of those
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