Title: Scut Hamsters Pairing: Jaemin, Jaechun Rating: PG-13 to R Warning: a little bit WTFs in the latter chapters Summary: Just another campus life story
this chapter seems to have all the good stuff! jae's surprising sympathy, humor (and i can't get enough of it!), slutty and downright cuteness!
ooooh~ i sense a little jealousy from both parties, hehe.
i love the "catch the mouse" part in the bus:
I wrap his waist with a leg, pressing my torso till I can feel that bulging part. He gasps and inches backward, not wanting me to find out about his condition.
I keep moving closer and he retreats again another inch.
hehehehe Jae is still struggling to be mature I think... but he's still far from mature, lol xD The event is a charity, like free medication and health checks up and such xD lol it'll be really hillarious if JJ should duck out behind Siwon xD I wonder will he do it in the future xD and oh, the idea of leaving his mark is hottt xD
FINALLY!!! *dances* you saved me from my Germany-lost-just-what-the-hell-happened-with-World-Cup misery.
Now, now, Jae is actually fond of his beloved patient~ this poor but lovely ahjumma thought Minnie was Jae's boyfriend? Not yet but would be, ahjumma! Jealous Jae = cute Jae! He's getting possessive over Minnie~ The scene in the bus is... uh... have I told you that I'm a JaeMin-whore? (sure I have. thousands of time) Soooo this is what you meant by 'something close to Min being the bottom'? Well done. Wishing for more *spanked*
lol I knew that I so lol reading your twitter along the game xD
hihihihihi you like that scene in the bus? I feel like aging 5 years after making that scene.... xDD Gahahahaha you're the only one who comment about the kiss on the nose... I love kiss on the noseee xDD
Tp akhir2 ini THT, trus krn bakal libur, semuanya dimajuin dr mulai ujian ampe preskas, menggila deh >_
Comments 49
jae can get himself off from min..
such a cute progression.heeheheee.
this chapter seems to have all the good stuff!
jae's surprising sympathy, humor (and i can't get enough of it!), slutty and downright cuteness!
ooooh~ i sense a little jealousy from both parties, hehe.
i love the "catch the mouse" part in the bus:
I wrap his waist with a leg, pressing my torso till I can feel that bulging part. He gasps and inches backward, not wanting me to find out about his condition.
I keep moving closer and he retreats again another inch.
God, this is so fun.
addiction can lead to something more ^^;;
i'm so glad you've updated this!
gahahahaha I love how you call it 'catch the mouse' part xDD
yeah yeah, JJ is sooo addicted xD
Thank you so much for the comment!
The event is a charity, like free medication and health checks up and such xD
lol it'll be really hillarious if JJ should duck out behind Siwon xD I wonder will he do it in the future xD
and oh, the idea of leaving his mark is hottt xD
Now, now, Jae is actually fond of his beloved patient~ this poor but lovely ahjumma thought Minnie was Jae's boyfriend? Not yet but would be, ahjumma! Jealous Jae = cute Jae! He's getting possessive over Minnie~ The scene in the bus is... uh... have I told you that I'm a JaeMin-whore? (sure I have. thousands of time) Soooo this is what you meant by 'something close to Min being the bottom'? Well done. Wishing for more *spanked*
The kiss on the nose is a big flowery LOVE.
Update soon darl! Thanks!
And hell yeah, this fic saved us from sadness >_
hihihihihi you like that scene in the bus? I feel like aging 5 years after making that scene.... xDD Gahahahaha you're the only one who comment about the kiss on the nose... I love kiss on the noseee xDD
Tp akhir2 ini THT, trus krn bakal libur, semuanya dimajuin dr mulai ujian ampe preskas, menggila deh >_
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