Title: Scut Hamsters Pairing: Jaemin, Jaechun Rating: PG-13 to R Warning: a little bit WTFs in the latter chapters Summary: Just another campus life story
aahhhh Im sorry for leaving too long.... it was a combined result from messed up mind --> need to spend a lot of money for entertainment --> bankruptcy --> can't pay the internet --> internet line was cut off xDDD
hihihi do you hate or like slutty jaejae?? xD aawww thank you so much for missing meee I feel so loved *handkerchief* I will surely finish this fic until it ends! (unless dbsk disbanded along the way)
It's so NOT USELESS about you disappear and you made a surprise to me! OMGodSUN Changmin, Sooo adorable changmin here... You're so shy to say, Say it if you want AHAHAHAHAHA.... Maybe that makes him not want 'doing that thing" was because JJ still saw him just as "rebound" Cruel JJ!
JJ : Author is the cruelest, she made readers waiting for century XD
hahahahha xDD lol i love making you impatient xDD and im glad you like the smut scene though I feel like aging faster everytime I make a smut scene. My mouth grins to wide xDD
I think the moment where JJ will learn his lesson won't be long hehehe xD
Comments 49
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hihihi do you hate or like slutty jaejae?? xD aawww thank you so much for missing meee I feel so loved *handkerchief* I will surely finish this fic until it ends! (unless dbsk disbanded along the way)
OMG i can see the JaeMin progress! but i'm irritated with Siwon... he keeps on distracting Jae from Min DD: lol /shot
I'm happy.... T_T
loll many people is irritated with Shiwon I wonder why?? xD
Khekhekhe thank you for reading!
This chapter full of happiness and JAEMIN!!!!!
It's so NOT USELESS about you disappear and you made a surprise to me!
OMGodSUN Changmin, Sooo adorable changmin here... You're so shy to say, Say it if you want AHAHAHAHAHA....
Maybe that makes him not want 'doing that thing" was because JJ still saw him just as "rebound"
Cruel JJ!
JJ : Author is the cruelest, she made readers waiting for century XD
next chapter please.....
author: ah JJ, shut up will you *spank his ass*
On with comment!
“Have fun with the event, and don’t forget that real smile photo of your boyfriend.”
See?? even your patient said that Min is your boyfriend! Just get on with it~~! *impatient*
Yunho and Siwon, standing side by side near the door... Gosh, that's hawt!
I have a couple of suspicions regarding these guys...
Just what exactly is happening to the missing students?? Are there some psycho that roaming over the faculty and killed them??
There he goes again... Breaking Min's heart and treating Min like some sex toys. Tsk, really Jaejoong, you'll learn your lessons soon or later.
As always, the smut was hot. Can't tear my eyes away.
Go go Umeboshi-san! *high five*
I think the moment where JJ will learn his lesson won't be long hehehe xD
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