Title: Scut Hamsters Pairing: Jaemin, Jaechun Rating: PG-13 to R Warning: a little bit WTFs in the latter chapters Summary: Just another campus life story
you're really thinking about this fic? You mean like... guessing the plot and such? aawww that's so sweeeettt xD Yep yep, Jaejoong thinks about changmin for than he realizes xD
gahahahahaha believe I was really lol imagining you dance in MA while thinking dirty Jaemin... that's what people call by Bejo I think... xD and for what occasion you dance in MA? O_O
ikikikikikik I want min to lock me with his mouth too..... BEJOBEJOBEJOBEJO xDD
jbldfjbgdfjhgfn damn that siwon!!! i knew that bastard was terrible! i knew it! goshh poor jaejoong! that siwon is sick!!! gtgtggrgrgrgrgr *so angry and worried about what will he do next* Changminnie got very very worried about Jae, and lost control when he heard him and then after he saw JJ... i guess that scared and hurt Jae in the condition that he was in...
fbldifbgdj omg! can't wait for the next chapter...
that last part....even though jaejoong was shocked to see this side of changmin, i am glad changmin displayed it. he was always meek and thought of others' feelings. it's good that he showed his possessive side. jaejoong needed to know just how possessive changmin was of him even though it took almost a near-tragedy for this to be revealed.
changmin's a monster when pissed-off. siwon should watch out!
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Yep yep, Jaejoong thinks about changmin for than he realizes xD
Thank you so much for reading! xD
be back after reading (and practicing dancing for MA >_<)
and for what occasion you dance in MA? O_O
ikikikikikik I want min to lock me with his mouth too..... BEJOBEJOBEJOBEJO xDD
damn that siwon!!!
i knew that bastard was terrible! i knew it!
goshh poor jaejoong! that siwon is sick!!!
gtgtggrgrgrgrgr *so angry and worried about what will he do next*
Changminnie got very very worried about Jae, and lost control when he heard him and then after he saw JJ... i guess that scared and hurt Jae in the condition that he was in...
fbldifbgdj omg! can't wait for the next chapter...
changmin's a monster when pissed-off. siwon should watch out!
update soon!
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