Title: Scut Hamsters Pairing: Jaemin, Jaechun Rating: PG-13 to R Warning: sappy sappy sappy sappy did I mention sappy?? Summary: Just another campus life story
okay, first off the visit to min's eomma was a brief breather, plus the unexpected 2u made me go like this o.O for about 5 minutes.
but god, the ER scene and the dorm scene... they were so emotional and heavy for my heart *bawls* the hurt feels so good.
the stuttering made min's emotions more passionate and hard. how they held each other, full of sadness, hurt and anger made me really grip my chair and sob silently.
The room is filled with no words, only the sounds our lips and skins produced, together with our quiet moans, and occasionally restrained sobs. The same room that’s within the short time, filled with so much overwhelming memories. It’s where we met, where we started everything. It’s where I made so many mistakes, so many terrible deeds, the ones that only got a series of sweet smiles, timid touch and tenderness as punishments.
I love Jaejoong so much in this fic. He is the most perfect, imperfect human being. I was so touched and upset about what he did for Changmin. I'm really glad his family was supportive. Wonder what he's going to do now? I can't believe he has to go and leave Fuwa D: Changmin <3 they are so perfect together. Noo it's ending ):
* i need to use a profil pic i get lost looking for my "sport*
OMG!!!!!! wonder what Jaejoong is gonna do!! BUT OMG!!! changmin finally knows Jaejoong loves him!!! well maybe he knows..... cause Changmin is slow so u never know..... i need smutt!!! lol thanx for the update hopw u do ir soon ♥♥
Comments 83
okay, first off the visit to min's eomma was a brief breather, plus the unexpected 2u made me go like this o.O for about 5 minutes.
but god, the ER scene and the dorm scene... they were so emotional and heavy for my heart *bawls* the hurt feels so good.
the stuttering made min's emotions more passionate and hard. how they held each other, full of sadness, hurt and anger made me really grip my chair and sob silently.
The room is filled with no words, only the sounds our lips and skins produced, together with our quiet moans, and occasionally restrained sobs. The same room that’s within the short time, filled with so much overwhelming memories. It’s where we met, where we started everything. It’s where I made so many mistakes, so many terrible deeds, the ones that only got a series of sweet smiles, timid touch and tenderness as punishments.
*wipes tears*
i love you so much. you know that.
*hugs you*
*gives you strawberry milk*
but nonetheless, i love you dear!
*drinks strawberry milk*
Changmin <3 they are so perfect together. Noo it's ending ):
Don't worry about Fuwa xD
thank you for reading!
OMG!!!!!! wonder what Jaejoong is gonna do!!
BUT OMG!!! changmin finally knows Jaejoong loves him!!!
well maybe he knows..... cause Changmin is slow so u never know.....
i need smutt!!! lol
thanx for the update hopw u do ir soon ♥♥
last chapter ?? T.T dont want the fanfic to end lol
question r u writing more jaemin fanfics????
bcoz im just cool like that !
*sorry for being lame*
*cries* whyputininsuchmisery
But I <333 you for updating and for moar jaemin<33
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