cool. i still have a myspace!! isnt this the coolest thing ever?!?! i have a myspace too. i deleted my originial one. too many guys asking if they could have sex with me. fuckers! well yall. how u guys been?? is anyone still there? or did myspace suck u in?? whats going on world? haha. i love my phone. i love boys. my birthday is in 2 months!!!!!!!!! omg. i'm going to be 20. no more in the "teens".... awww. i'm almost an adult.
today was FAVORITE Asst. Manager quit. he was bomb. he was sweet,nice, funny, chill, cute, and everything you could ask for in a cool manager. and he quit.. everything and everyone at work are changing. i've been ther since August and no one's the same... it's like home depot changes you. i miss him..
guess what no more school for me !!!! 2 more weeks of college then i'm out! hell yeah fuckers. no more school for me. i'm moving to NY in August - FOREVER! never coming back :) i'm going to become a gossip columnist/fashion writer. yay me.
how great is this.... i'm gonna go to NY in august. i'm starting Fashion school in September. i'm becoming a Personal Stylist! I'm gonna buy myself a new effin car!