« bestiary_ »

Sep 29, 2009 14:28

« bestiary_ »

★ "Creatures" do not necessarily have to be organic. They just have to not be a.) humans or b.) too big to fit in the asylum hallways. They should also not be terribly sapient, i.e. they cannot be reasoned with and you cannot converse with them.

★ Please, no zombies unless they are somehow unique. If their modus operendi pretty much boils down to "catch people and eat them", then don't submit them. An example of what we mean: zombies from 28 Days Later are extraordinarily fast and technically alive, but since they still attack/infect/eat people, they are not admissible. On the other hand, zombies from Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem can, variously, regenerate their own body parts, create spectral body parts that cause insanity when they are looked at, or "sing" which causes themselves and all zombies of their type around them to explode. This would be considered unique enough for admission to the bestiary.

★ You can submit creatures from fandoms other than ones you play in unless the fandom is currently represented in the game. For example, if you play in the Gundam 00 cast, you can submit a creature from Devil May Cry, which there are currently no players for, but you cannot submit a creature from Eternal Darkness, which we currently have a player for. If someone joins a cast that is represented in the bestiary but isn't played, that player will be consulted to find out if they wish to keep that selection or choose a different one.

★ Currently, we are allowing one creature per fandom. If this changes, it will be announced. As such, if you are in a cast which has multiple castmates, please consult with your castmates to make sure your submission is agreed upon by all of you.

★ Please rate the strength of your creature on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 would mean "kitten weak, you could probably just step on it and kill it", and 10 means "makes God turn the other way and run, don't even bother trying to fight". Note that creatures of a really high strength rating will probably be rarer and appear on fewer layers than creatures with a low or average strength.

★ Submitting a picture is optional, but will be very helpful to us.
☆ Fill out the form below and it will be added to the list. ☆
(the textarea box which appears is intended~)

  • Suggested Addition:
    Strength Level:
    Link to Picture: (Optional)
    If you have castmates, have you consulted with them on this submission?

    Creature: Pyramid Head
    Original Universe: Silent Hill
    Strength Level: 10
    Layers: TBA
    Locations: Main Building Basement, Possibly Elsewhere?
    Description: A terrifying blood-soaked manifestation of your own guilt and inner turmoil, he appears to be a tall, hulking, human-like figure wearing a butcher's apron, his head enclosed in a massive metal pyramid-shaped construct. He wields a butcher knife bigger than most of the patients, and your only edge on him is that he is a slow, lumbering creature. You cannot defeat him, so don't try to engage him, and what he lacks in speed, he makes up for in incredible strength. Aside from his immense weaponry and strength, when he is close by, people tend to experience incredible feelings of guilt, anguish, and hopelessness, as he uses their own psyche to immobilize them as he prepares for punishment. What else is he capable of? You really don't want to know.

    Creature: Pirate Aerotrooper
    Original Universe: Metroid
    Strength Level: 6
    Layers: 6
    Locations: Garden, Outdoor Recreation Area
    Description: Spindly and insect-like, this Pirate is part of a drone race, meaning it possesses limited intelligence and logic capabilities. It really only knows how to do one thing (defend its assigned territory), but it does it well: using the wing-like thrusters on its back to fly through the air at considerable speed, it is armed with a blaster and has great aim. However, its greatest strength is also its greatest weakness: the thrusters are very fragile, and if the Pirate's ability to fly is disabled, it will crash to the ground for quick and easy disposal. Ranged weapons are a necessity for these aerial threats.

    Creature: Komato Assassin
    Original Universe: Iji
    Strength Level: 5
    Layers: 5-6
    Locations: Large, open rooms such as the gym, the cafeteria, and the library.
    Description: One of the most elite soldier types of the army of the lizard-like Komato, assassins eschew firearms in favor of being adept with swords, and rely on speed, the element of surprise, and their ability to teleport to fight. Because of the risk of accidentally teleporting into something and becoming injured (a fate that befell assassin leader Asha, who lost his arm when it became trapped in a wall during an ill-prepared teleportion), assassins only stay in a handful of areas to teleport, so that they can memorize the location of everything in the room. Their weakness is their own hubris: they will not even bother defending themselves against low-powered firearms or melee weapons because they honestly believe they pose no threat to them. However, it's pretty much impossible to completely kill them: when they are injured, they will teleport away. An interesting fact: the vast majority of Komato assassins are female.

    Creature: Fairy Swarm
    Original Universe: Tiffany Aching Series
    Strength Level: Alone- 2; Medium swarm- 7; Full size swarm- 9
    Layers: 5 (Alone), 6 (Swarms)
    Locations: The greenhouse, though now individual ones are likely to wander into rooms.
    Description: Around about 5 inches tall, they appear as a tiny, beautiful winged people surrounded by a golden glow, almost entrancing to look at. Moving incredibly quickly, and whirring like a hummingbird, they're very difficult to hit, and mean only harm. They reproduce in nests, and attempt to carry humans away to their young to feed on gruesomely. When attacked by a swarm you find they will try bite relentlessly, small marks not unlike a spider bite that cause considerable pain. A swarm numbers from anywhere from about 70 to enough to fill the sky and block your vision- maybe in the hundreds. Once they've managed to pick you off the ground there's no hope for you, you're going to be fairy food. Additionally, they screech loudly in a high pitch.

    Creature: Kenny
    Original Universe: DOGS
    Strength Level: 8
    Layers: 6
    Locations: Library.
    Description: Kenny is a large, mutant dog like monster. He is very strong, but slow physically and mentally. He enjoys violence and "playing" with others, going mostly on instincts and orders. He uses his large claws to attack his victims, usually throwing them or using his claws to cut them. His weakness are his legs, as he is very top heavy. Kenny can be easily tricked and confused. On the other hand, too much confusion can lead to berserk like outbursts. Another weakness is the collar on its neck. If the collar is ripped out, Kenny will start to flail, lose most of its power, and fall into a state of extreme pain.

    Creature: Nightmare Spiders
    Original Universe: American McGee's Alice
    Strength Level: Alone - 5-6; Group - 7-8
    Layers: 5 (alone), 6 (groups)
    Locations: The hallways, though now individual ones are likely to wander into rooms.
    Description: Nightmare spiders are quite terrifying creatures that are drawn to asylums and other places where madness dwells. These creatures like to disguise themselves as a wall ornament with legs disguised similar to an antique table and the head of a China doll covering their spindly bodies. Hidden behind this mask, however, they have small, rat like faces with many eyes and skinny arms ending in medical syringes. They are fond of dropping down from the ceiling on hapless prey to bite them. These horrid arachnids can swing on webs to pursue fleeing prey, and possess an awful bite at close ranges. They can also spit venom moderate distances if they can't get close. Both attacks can cause hallucinations in their victims, making vision clouded and combat difficult. However, once you manage to get your wits about you, they're not that hard to kill, provided you're not getting attacked by a group of them.

    Creature: Kappa
    Original Universe: Japanese Folklore
    Strength Level: 3
    Layers: 5-6
    Locations: Pool.
    Description: Around the size of a child or an ape, the kappa is a turtle-like, water-dwelling creature with a hard shell, scaly skin, flippers, and a sharp beak. In the asylum, he has decided the pool is his home. However, the chlorine levels make him cranky to the point where he cannot be reasoned with. If he spots someone he will attack. The kappa favors bone-breaking attacks known as "koppo." Despite his size, the kappa is possessed of a considerable strength that can only be lessoned by causing him to pour out the water found in the indentation on the top of his head.

  • premise