I can't disagree: purple is awesome. (Note my profile picture, heh heh.) Blue is also good. Green could look cool as a contrast to brown if you wanted to paint the bleach in in some kind of pattern...
But, wait, mohawk, you say? A full inch long? When did this happen??
I've been growing it out for a while... coupla weeks, maybe? I know that besides the initial cut, I've trimmed the sides once, so it was probably first cut about a month ago.
I'm leaning towards blue, mostly since I've already got some nice dark blue dye. And in case I end up at Jon and Sarah's wedding next month, it looks about as formal as unnaturally-coloured hair can (when compared with lime green or magenta, that is).
This is kind of random, but here goes: I'm going to be in Winnipeg this weekend for an NDP thing. I don't know my schedule yet, but I've always liked your posts, so maybe we could hang out.
Ring me up (783-1202) when you've got yon schedule and we'll go from there. If I don't pick up, I've probably just gone out to the library for a bit, so leave a message and I'll return it ASAP.
We're adjourning at 5. on Saturday. We're at the Winnipeg Radisson (Portage and Smith) so maybe you could come by there and we could head someplace you like within walking distance.
Comments 7
Now I just have to steal a package of bleach...
But, wait, mohawk, you say? A full inch long? When did this happen??
I'm leaning towards blue, mostly since I've already got some nice dark blue dye. And in case I end up at Jon and Sarah's wedding next month, it looks about as formal as unnaturally-coloured hair can (when compared with lime green or magenta, that is).
This is kind of random, but here goes: I'm going to be in Winnipeg this weekend for an NDP thing. I don't know my schedule yet, but I've always liked your posts, so maybe we could hang out.
Ring me up (783-1202) when you've got yon schedule and we'll go from there. If I don't pick up, I've probably just gone out to the library for a bit, so leave a message and I'll return it ASAP.
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