Date: June 11
Pairing: Gen (Harry/Snape by implication)
Rating: PGish
Word of the Day™: wimple
Summary: Harry muses on what he's lost.
Warnings: Spoilers for OotP and HBP. If you haven't read them already, you'd better.
Pairing: Harry/Snape Rating: PG Word of the Day™: canard Summary: Thoughts on the Daily Prophet and being idolized. Author’s Note: AU past HBP, sadly. Not that I could’ve known at the time. ( … )
Title: Cliché Pairing: Harry/Snape (AKA I'm going straight to hell) Rating: R Word of the Day™: louche Summary: After many long years, Severus has to change his personal mantra. ( Not for the faint of heart )