Name: Ardaia "Peridot" Lavenn
Player: This is an ex-Manfred
Motivation: To rediscover ancient First Age technology and use it to build a better world
Caste: Eclipse
Anima: Peridot's anima is the translucent white of all Crowned Suns, limned in luminous green and gold; as she expends more peripheral Essence, shapes in the shadows begin to lighten and lengthen, rising behind her as the silhouettes of great First Age buildings. At full iconic display, the tall shadows of massive First Age constructions loom behind her, indistinct and yet still intimidating and glorious.
==== CRUNCH ====
Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
> BP spent: 4
Caste: Bureaucracy 2, Linguistics 1 (Riverspeech and Foresttongue), Ride 2, Sail 1, Socialize
Favored: Craft 3 (jewelrymaking +2), Larceny 2, Lore 3, Occult 2, Thrown 3
Non-Favored: Athletics 2, Awareness 1, Dodge 4, Resistance 2, Integrity 2, Melee 2, Stealth 2
> BP spent: 10
Contacts 2
(Peridot has made a number of contacts within the Nexian jewelry and antiquities markets. One of them is Zaria Sandsifter, a well-regarded goldsmith and jewel merchant with whom Peridot apprenticed and with whom she remains friendly; another is Ivram ibn Ishak, a canny Southern scavenger lord and family friend who offers Peridot information on interesting new acquisitions.)
Manse 3
(Peridot controls a Manse she has come to call "The Alabaster Halls," hidden in the undercity below the Nexus District. While the Alabaster Halls appear to be a tomb, with a smooth and featureless sarcophagus in the Hearthstone chamber, Peridot has no idea whose. Indeed, the entire structure is made of smooth, unadorned, nearly liquid-looking white alabaster, with a troubling ability to change; for example, since Peridot made the place her own, the once-abstract statues lining the entry hall have all changed to lifelike statues of herself...)
[Will talk to ST about aspect/hearthstone]
Resources 3
(Peridot is making a name for herself in the jewelry business, slowly but surely, and it's beginning to show in her standard of living. Most of her Resources are tied up in her shop, equipment, and stock, but she has enough money to be comfortable.)
> BP spent: 1
Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 2
Virtue Flaw: Heart of Flint
[this space intentionally left blank 'til I talk with other players]
Other Stats:
Willpower 6, Essence 2 (12/12 Personal, 30/30 Peripheral, 0 Committed)
Soak: 3B/4L (chain shirt)
HL -0 / -1 / -1 / -2 / -2 / -4 / Incap
Dodge DV 5, Parry DV 3 (Melee, knife), Dodge MDV 5, Parry MDV 2
Bureaucracy: First Bureaucracy Excellency, Frugal Merchant Method
Craft: Second Craft Excellency, Object-Strengthening Touch,
Thrown: First Thrown Excellency, Joint-Wounding Attack
Dodge: Second Dodge Excellency, Shadow Over Water
Athletics: Second Athletics Excellency
Occult: Spirit-Detecting Glance
Perfect Knife (2, cost ** each):
Melee: Speed 5, Accuracy +3 (total attack pool 9 dice), Damage +3L, Defense +0, Rate 4,
Thrown: Speed 5, Accuracy +2 (total attack pool 9 dice), Damage +3L, Rate 4, Range 1
Chain Shirt:
+3L/1B soak, -0 mobility, 1 fatigue, cost **, concealable
==== FLUFF ====
Ardaia Lavenn is of definite Nexian mixed stock; her skin is medium-brown, and the cast of her features is vaguely angular, an echo of the diverse heritages of the Scavenger Lands. Indeed, by Nexian standards her appearance is unremarkable. Her only notable feature is her hair, which is a vivid light green and quite thick and wavy, kept in line with a simple above-the-shoulder cut. She's a touch below average height and roughly average in build, with hands and a bearing that indicates a history of active work.
Backstory and Personality:
Ardaia Lavenn was born in Nexus to a family with its roots in the grey-market antiquities and rarities business. Her parents had spent their youths hunting the Scavenger Lands for interesting relics, but by the time of Ardaia's birth they had settled in as independent dealers, acting as middlemen between scavenger lords and wealthy collectors. It didn't match the excitement of the first-hand scavenger business, but it was a decent living, and it got the little family by. An only child, Ardaia was her parents' pride, born with what her parents decreed an omen of good fortune: an unlikely shock of thick, wavy hair, the light green of new spring leaves, inherited from some long-gone Far Eastern ancestor. As she grew, her hair became the defining feature of an otherwise plain face; its color gave her the nickname "Peridot," a title she came to wear with more pride and affection than her given name.
Peridot helped her parents in business as soon as she was able, and so her childhood was filled with strange antiquities -- some merely decorative, some intricate and functional. She was enthralled by all of them and fascinated by the past that gave them birth, especially as her parents told her the legends of the First Age and its wonders. As Peridot grew, she became an avid explorer of the older (and thus more First-Age-looking) parts of the Nexus District, bedazzled by the architecture and the history behind it. What glorious days, the First Age! How beautiful things were, and how useful! She resolved to become a scavenger lord herself once she grew up, the better to see the world and discover its wonders for herself.
Unfortunately, Peridot's relative serenity was not to last. When she was 11, her father was killed in a suspicious accident, one that bore the mark of being caused by an old enemy of her parents; her mother resolved to flee Nexus and, fearing for her daughter's life, arranged for her apprenticeship with Zaria Sandshifter, a goldsmith and jeweler of her acquaintance who could offer Peridot protection and training in a trade. Peridot was initially crushed, both afraid with the loss of her family and disappointed at her changing fate, but as time went on she took to the jeweler's trade remarkably well; naturally good with her hands, she had a flair for working with precious things, and she proved a quick learner and a capable apprentice to Sandshifter. She enjoyed the act of crafting, and it allowed her to use her knowledge of antiquity to create intriguing designs.
Three years ago, at age 22, Peridot left her apprenticeship to begin a journeyman workshop of her own. In the three years since, she's had remarkable success, building up a small but loyal clientele. Her star is rising, and she seems to be set for a remarkably successful career. As she became more secure in her businesses and finance, Peridot started traveling on her own -- to acquire materials and new pieces, but also for the chance to get fresh air and engage in just a touch of adventure. She was aided in this by her Ivram ibn Ishak, a scavenger lord and old friend of her parents who was happy to welcome Peridot into the grey-market world. She's accompanied Ivram on several expeditions while on "business trips," most of them fairly unproductive; however, a year ago they uncovered a map to a location in Hollow, now a part of Nexus's undercity, and Ivram entrusted it to Peridot's keeping. When she returned, she set out to follow the map and found herself in a maze of ancient tunnels, eventually leading to a featureless door carved from alabaster. When she touched it, the stone seemed to shimmer and distort, and she was shocked to see a construct emerge from it as from water -- a construct made in Peridot's own image! When the thing attacked, Peridot managed to barely avoid its wrath for several seconds before something flashed in her head, like the sun from behind stormclouds, and she spoke the word of deactivation before she knew what she'd done. The simulacrum sunk back into the door, and the door itself rumbled open, revealing the chamber beyond to the new Exalt.
Peridot has made the ancient structure, which she calls just "The Alabaster Halls," as her refuge and the place from which she has begun her new life. While she maintains the jewelry business and trips outside as a surface identity, she travels below it to her newfound sanctuary to learn more about the strange technology of the place. While she doesn't understand it all yet, she counts herself lucky to control a safe and apparently-undocumented First Age structure, and she figures she'll come to understand in time.
Peridot's outward personality is pragmatic and a little tough; she likes to present the facade of a true Nexus District native, sophisticated but still streetwise. (Most of her sophistication is tied up in her knowledge of history and relics; her knowledge is very object-focused.) It's a good, businesslike persona, and it gets her along from day to day, but in truth she's a little dreamier than she lets on. She has a deep and abiding love for First Age relics, and her ideal world is one where the enlightenment of the First Age allows everyone to appreciate its beauty and comforts. Her Exaltation is only the first step to realizing this dream.
Chargenned really fast, adapted from a 1E build from a stillborn game. SOMETHING IS PROBABLY WRONG WITH THIS. TELL ME WHAT IT IS.
Oh man I need more Ability points.
Development: ??? Uh... an artifact to put that Hearthstone in would be cool... also, maybe becoming a real Eclipse and not a half-assed pseudo-Twilight? Man, I just don't know about this build...
Handy Links!:
Hellboy's Dawn Russel's Twilight