Parasite Rex, a fascinating book (with GREAT photos!). I thought of it when you suggested, "The Designer doesn't have to be Bible sky-man God like the Intelligent Designers believe." Not quite on the topic, but I thought you may be interested.
P.S. Not a slur. They are foreign people and they are incredibly dirty. Most are spattered with blood BEFORE you shoot them, let alone the caked on dirt and filth.
Everything is spattered with blood in that game so I guess it would be more accurate to say, "This and shooting dirty foreign people in dirty exotic locales." I'm thinking a kind of camouflage.
If you're refering to the fact that they intentionally disobeyed an admitted God with whom they had personal and verifiable relationship when he asked of them only a single thing, then yes, they WERE pretty damn monkeyish.
If instead, you're implying that this snippit I posted is an attack on intellegent design, it's more along the lines of pointing out that intellegent design would be more convincing and lead to more thought of value to a wider base of people if the greater majority of it's proponents weren't given to a demonstrated lack of logical scientific thought. It's an accepted scientific and philosophical fact that one CANNOT prove intellegent design WRONG any more than one can prove it RIGHT, but those that attempt to prove it using invalid arguements and flawed logic rather than rationally and logically furthering understanding of it's possibilities and implications, do not do any service to intellegent design or it's adherants. Rather they make us, as a whole, look like idiots. Frankly, it annoys the hell out of me.
Jen's Bizarro View...trailhoundzMay 8 2006, 13:02:39 UTC
I guess I should have finished my thought before airheadly lilting off onto the next website I was visiting, LOL! I think that... and I know this is strange... but I think evolution and "intelligent design" fit together perfectly. From what I understand about evolution (admittedly not much)... way back when, a monkey of some sort was born with a twisted genetic makeup. As that monkey mated, it's progeny that inherited the genetics began the evolutionary change towards Homo sapien(which is why not ALL monkeys evolved into humans- just a certain line of them).
That's the way a science Prof. once explained it to me at least.
So, why did that one monkey get the twisted genetic makeup that started the flow towards Homo sapien and all the rest of the human "breeds"? To me, it's apparent that it was God's hand and that would, in effect, make that monkey the first Adam.
This would probably get me crucified in an evangelical church, but... well, it sounds okay to me. :O)
Re: Jen's Bizarro View...undead_rtwaMay 8 2006, 16:22:30 UTC
I don't have any issue with that line of thinking, although certain organizations/people do get upset over it. My general assessment of the matter (and evidentally that of the guy above) is that I get sick and tired of the idiotic garbage that most intellegent design supporters try to pass off as "logic" and insist that it somehow "proves" intellegent design. While I believe in God, I also believe that God gave us intellgence and the capacity for logical thought for a reason, and to ignore or espouse lines of thinking that turn people away from this wonderful gift, is a pretty big crime.
Anyway, I like it when you share your views. I don't get a lot of chances to get to know my wife's favorite cousin, so I appreciate the ones I do get. :)
Comments 10
If instead, you're implying that this snippit I posted is an attack on intellegent design, it's more along the lines of pointing out that intellegent design would be more convincing and lead to more thought of value to a wider base of people if the greater majority of it's proponents weren't given to a demonstrated lack of logical scientific thought. It's an accepted scientific and philosophical fact that one CANNOT prove intellegent design WRONG any more than one can prove it RIGHT, but those that attempt to prove it using invalid arguements and flawed logic rather than rationally and logically furthering understanding of it's possibilities and implications, do not do any service to intellegent design or it's adherants. Rather they make us, as a whole, look like idiots. Frankly, it annoys the hell out of me.
That's the way a science Prof. once explained it to me at least.
So, why did that one monkey get the twisted genetic makeup that started the flow towards Homo sapien and all the rest of the human "breeds"? To me, it's apparent that it was God's hand and that would, in effect, make that monkey the first Adam.
This would probably get me crucified in an evangelical church, but... well, it sounds okay to me. :O)
Anyway, I like it when you share your views. I don't get a lot of chances to get to know my wife's favorite cousin, so I appreciate the ones I do get. :)
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