fabriclies wrote in
Apr 22, 2012 20:45
it's times like these when you have to wonder whether you're there for them, or they're there for you.
fabriclies wrote in
Jan 25, 2012 20:45
and some people change so much that you wonder if you ever knew them at all.
fabriclies wrote in
Jul 30, 2011 18:25
sometimes i feel as though my whole life is a series of maybes.
fabriclies wrote in
Feb 09, 2011 16:17
six degrees of separation - you can call it fate or whatever the hell you want but, who would've thought that i'd need you this much?
fabriclies wrote in
Jan 16, 2011 16:20
please just get away from me, because if you get any closer, i'm sure there would be nothing in between us to keep me from breaking.
please get away
fabriclies wrote in
Nov 22, 2010 20:42
sometimes, when people think that all you need a small push, they throw you over the edge.
fabriclies wrote in
Mar 30, 2010 12:58
there are times when he remembers things he's not even sure happened.