i clicked on your journal through the kurt_halsey community because i wanted to see the new picture, but instead i saw "dont join the kurt halsey community it's only full of drama!" if you like kurt's work, why not be in the group? anything that happened in the post that you made was NOT drama. its kind of unfair to kurt in a way for you to say that in your background, because the group was made to support him and you are turning people away from that.
I'm not tellin people to turn away from kurt, I'm sayin why join that community when people get bitched at all the time. That's why they made that other kurt halsey community. And yes I know that post to me was not drama, but my friend was involved in the post that was because she was the original poster. I didn't think that I should have people telling me what and what not to post on MY lj background or what to use as my user icon. I've appreciated kurt's art for over 2 years now so it's not like I'm some new fan that's just some stupid giddy girl. I respect him and I enjoy his work that's why I made it my background so I can look at it every day, and since someone decided to say something about it I decided to make my new background and I still don't think people should be telling me what to have as my background.
so then put that picture back up as your background! if you dont think people should be telling you what to do, dont listen to them when they do. id personally love to see that image. im sorry if i came off as rude, i would just hate for someone to leave the group because of drama. what other kurt community are you referring to?
there is another community called kurt halsey and they made that one because of all the drama that goes on in this one. I will put the background back up but I won't use the icon til after his exhibit so that I don't cause anymore bull.
Comments 10
where did you get them from?
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