Nov. 23rd, entry nineteen

Nov 25, 2010 09:38

Wolf, if you can work some extra hours, I'll make sure you get paid for it. Let me know if you've got time.

Butcher's shop ain't gonna be running deliveries for a bit. Pickups only 'til we can work otherwise. If you got a problem with that, come talk to me.

[A pause as he considers adding more, before deciding otherwise.] ...That's all.

shining beacon of sensitivity, fsteak

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Comments 31

grab_my_bells November 26 2010, 02:10:35 UTC
And so it starts again.


unevoked November 26 2010, 08:16:09 UTC
The hell does that mean, Bell? I'm fucking trying.


grab_my_bells November 26 2010, 08:25:49 UTC
Ah. My mistake. [And now he know's he's hit a nerve]

I was just noting that the Butchers always seems to have these...issues. I was surprised to see it wasn't closed.


unevoked November 26 2010, 08:30:29 UTC
Things kinda get fucked up when you lose half the damn staff. [There's a pause.]

'Least I ain't doing this for stupid reasons, alright?


feathered_earth November 26 2010, 18:35:13 UTC
[Castor's getting a thermos of cocoa next time they're on shift together.]


unevoked November 26 2010, 18:50:40 UTC
[He will be an awkward, stupid boy, but appreciate it nonetheless.

...And maybe make a stupid joke about asking to make sure the cocoa wasn't rained.]


teamwark November 27 2010, 10:36:24 UTC
There a problem there or something?


unevoked November 27 2010, 16:03:37 UTC
...Having some trouble running the shop with all the employees gone.


teamwark November 27 2010, 16:06:04 UTC
Ah. Can see how that'd be problematic.

You need a hand with anything?


unevoked November 27 2010, 16:07:49 UTC

Depends. You need a job?


sarcasmbender November 30 2010, 05:42:52 UTC
Uh, sure, I can work. Did something happen?


unevoked November 30 2010, 08:45:59 UTC
Pollux and Monster are gone. Might be getting some help, but I dunno.


sarcasmbender December 2 2010, 07:23:10 UTC
I don't think I met Pollux, but by Monster, you mean the little girl?

Where did they go?


unevoked December 3 2010, 01:35:07 UTC
He ran deliveries-- and yeah, little girl. Mutes, blonde hair, wings.

Hell if I know. People tend to just vanish all the damn time.


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