Oh My goodness

Apr 08, 2006 12:39

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1) What would tacit_voice give hockeybear8 for his/her birthday? A kiss
2) Would its_me_josh_bam go out with coarse_radiance? Maybe
3) What song/movie would you recommend to gordons_glory? Crazy Train
4) If hockeybear8 was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? The Evil Icemelterman
5) Is locabean99 single? Yes
6) Would deathunfettered and coarse_radiance make a good couple? Maybe
7) Which of your friends should deathunfettered go out with? Danielle
8) One quality you find attractive in coarse_radiance? Sense of humour
9) Where was presquile born? Ontario
10) Where did you first meet ordencodex? In my backyard
11) Does hanba_na_yume go to your school? No
12) Which president would locabean99 be likely to idolize? Clinton
13) What animal does screatch remind you of? A cat
14) Does ordencodex know tacit_voice? Yes
15) If deathunfettered were hanging off a cliff, what would daydemon do? Save herself
16) One thing you can't stand about hockeybear8? Nothing
17) What planet should the_austrian be from? Mars
18) If bulbusmaroon and zinger2099 were spliced together, what would it be like? A big dark scary monster
19) When did you last call tacit_voice? a year ago
20) Does the_austrian have a crush on hockeybear8? oh yeah
21) Would arcana_caelesti be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate
22) What would daydemon think of daydemon? Cool, but a little jumpy
23) Has daydemon been to your house/dorm? No
24) How would zinger2099 kill coarse_radiance? With a donut and a garden hose
25) What is sweetinge allergic to? Evil
26) If sweetinge had a superpower, what would it be? To cook food that would render people defenseless because of how good it is
27) Is gordons_glory related to you? Nope
28) What would daydemon do differently in your shoes? All of my homework
29) What mental disorder does tarantismish remind you of? Crazy
30) What is tacit_voice's favorite food? Salad
31) Does screatch have a dog? Maybe
32) Does ordencodex do drugs? Only the prescribed kind, and a little thing called H/D
33) Is zinger2099 athletic? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
34) Thoughts on bulbusmaroon? Cool guy, funny and nice
35) Is tarantismish your best friend? No... it's long sad story
36) What exotic animal would locabean99 like as a pet? A lizard-ferret
37) Do you have coarse_radiance's screenname? yeppers
38) Is its_me_josh_bam introverted or extroverted? Both
39) presquile's eye color? Brown
40) Are mom_fantasies69 and arcana_caelesti going steady? It could be a possibility
41) Could you see bulbusmaroon and tarantismish together? Kinda.. not right now though
42) Is tolarian 1337? Nope... 1338
43) Where would screatch most like to visit? Lindsay
44) Have you ever dated daydemon? No
45) Are presquile and tacit_voice going out? nope
46) Is zinger2099 related to zinger2099? Only by marriage
47) Would zinger2099 and tacit_voice look good together? Yeah
48) How many monkeys could tolarian fight at once and win against? 3000 hee-ah
49) Is hockeybear8 friends with sweetinge? yeah.. maybe?
50) If mom_fantasies69 and the_austrian were siamese twins, where would they be joined? the forehead
51) What would you do if you found out tolarian has a crush on you? monkeys?
52) Does coarse_radiance drink? lol heheh umm no... *shifty eyes*
53) Would you make out with hockeybear8? well... not at the moment... but if i was single... maybe...
54) What is gordons_glory's favorite game? Razzing chris until he cries
55) What do you agree with sweetinge about? that parties are fun
56) If coarse_radiance took over the world, who would suffer? all the people who don't like fun
57) What color should mom_fantasies69 dye their hair? blonde
58) What is mom_fantasies69's favorite movie? Rent
59) Do meltel and hockeybear8 go to the same school? used to
60) Has bulbusmaroon dyed their hair? once in the 80's
61) Is gordons_glory in a relationship? No... not that I know of...
62) What animal should hockeybear8 be combined with? a bear - clairebear - ta da
63) If tarantismish and tacit_voice were spliced together, what would be its name? Lost boy #1.5
64) What rank would sweetinge have in a giant robot army? Negotiator
65) Are mom_fantasies69 and ordencodex married? Only in his dreams
66) Is meltel a nerd? oh yeah... what are those cards called again?
67) Would you set up bulbusmaroon and daydemon? hmm... only if one of them asked
68) tarantismish's hair color? brown
69) Where was presquile born? presquile park... on a bench
70) Did locabean99 break up with you? a yeah... while i was in coma too... that hurts
71) What comic book character would coarse_radiance be? the mentor with the sweet ninja skills
72) What do you disagree with coarse_radiance about? liking men
73) If ordencodex took over the world, who would be happy? Homosexuals everywhere!
74) Is ordencodex an emo? she wishes
75) What word best describes deathunfettered? not existant
76) Do you think arcana_caelesti is hot? yeah shes pretty
77) Do you have a crush on locabean99? nope... not after she left me while i was in a coma
78) What is zinger2099's favorite color? Blood red... like his anus
79) Is deathunfettered popular? oh yeah... all the time
80) What languages does daydemon speak? english... barely
81) Have you flirted with gordons_glory? nope
82) What is screatch's favorite band/artist? me
83) How would deathunfettered conquer the world? give them all free condoms, then feed them sleeping ills crushed into chocolate
84) Is coarse_radiance dead sexy? only when she shakes it
85) What is tacit_voice's shoe size? 2
86) Is its_me_josh_bam a college student? only in his dreams
87) Does hockeybear8 smoke? sausage... lol j/k... sorry dean
88) What would you do if hanba_na_yume died? cry, and be sad
89) What flavor of jello would mom_fantasies69 be? grape
90) Is its_me_josh_bam a high school student? only in spirit
91) How tall is meltel? shorter than me
92) Would you wrestle hanba_na_yume in jello? only if it was ryan haney flavoured
93) How long have you known tarantismish? 4 years
94) How long would zinger2099 dating meltel last? as long ad the D&D session
95) Would you ever date tarantismish? no not really
96) If daydemon commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? the bandies
97) Does hockeybear8 travel a lot? ummm... nope that'd be Amanda
98) What is zinger2099's biggest flaw? his parents never taught him how to use a kleenex
99) Does gordons_glory have a big secret? Yep... I mean nope
100) What video game does ordencodex remind you of? Harry potter and the prisoner of snape's dungeon
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