Title: Sincerely Yours
Author: Keanne (
Rating: PG
Summary:Yamada was marrying Takaki but the latter wasn’t present on their important day. And then Yuto came, a guy whom he didn’t know who made all things harder for him.
A/N: An update again. Enjoy!
With the thin air between them grew thicker, he didn’t fail to see the sad emotion that covered Yuto’s face… )
Comments 9
Should I believe in Takaki or Yuto? I'm asking that even if I believe in Yuto already. For no reason at all XD
Thanks for updating :D! btw, I changed accounts.. mind if I add you there :D?
This is a great fic, and maybe because of the genre? But I love the YamaJima here although I'm more of a TakaYama lover....I just hope you'd sti.ll be around?
And btw, I'm commenting here before skimming through yur community. so just if in case you've posted something qabout not doing this anymore./...I haven't read it yet. But I hope I will find none :3 I hope you'd update soon but I'm not going to pressure you :)
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