Rules: 1. must be a clear picture of you only 2. must have your name, lj name, or s/n on it 3. be original 4. add your picture in a comment, then copy and paste the rules and your picture in your journal
ok i got some news today that totally pissed me off. corey leland whoever else is reading this fucking joiurnal lay off the loser sign its strictly for use of sean and his affiliates only (including me
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friday - awesome. good day at school jogged 3 1/2 miles in the morning instead of going to class and watched everybody playing baseball. rest of the day went good and i got to hang out with Hannah at the park for a bit and Alex spent the night.
saturday - awesome x 2. woke up early sean came over and the three of us went to the special olympics (
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i was getting so bored of that background because its on my desktop too so i decided to doodle up a new one (props to sean for the hand loser thing idea) and im awesomely happy with it but i think theres something hideously wrong about it but cant find out what that is... HELP ME!!! haha reply with a 1-10 on it and any comments if you love me!
im back... yeah sorry... well i got new shoes but now im all self concious because theyre size 14's and now i feel like a klown... :( but i got vans so they wont look too big but im still getting used to them and tripping going up onto the porch because theyre bigger thn my old shoes. other than that i went to TSX and corey brought this little
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going to TSX today and i get the pleasure of watching corey fall on his ass. cant type though... nothings new i got a few weird phone calls but i dont know if the person actually called or if my sisters being a loser again. umm ill type more later. maybe pictures too? and new shoes.. mmm... new shoes.