Oh no! How awful. I always invigilate my own exams; I HATE HATE HATE it when professors hire invigilators who have never met the students, have no idea what the course is about, and have no ability to help a student in trouble (or even interest in doing it). Yes, it's a boring three hours, yes, it's nice to send some grad student to do it so you can sleep in, but I think it's EXTREMELY important that the professor be on hand to deal with exactly this sort of problem.
Did you get along with the professor? There's a small possibility you may be able to swing a rewrite even now, especially if you didn't sign the attendance sheet. You have nothing to lose by trying.
I'm so sorry you got shafted. I'm putting those hugs you requested into a box marked "Express" right now. Also a neckrub. I'm told I give good ones.
Oh, babe. That is shocking luck. :( I really really hope you get the chance to resit. Sending you many many tender hugs. I hope things start looking up for you soon - you deserve it. xxxx
Comments 7
This proves Stats is evil.
Did you get along with the professor? There's a small possibility you may be able to swing a rewrite even now, especially if you didn't sign the attendance sheet. You have nothing to lose by trying.
I'm so sorry you got shafted. I'm putting those hugs you requested into a box marked "Express" right now. Also a neckrub. I'm told I give good ones.
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