This is not going to go well.
I -- I'm sick. Some of you know that already. But the disease I have is contagious. I thought I'd caught it enough...
Another individual is showing symptoms. The disease is a black rash, or wound, that produces a black pus. It's -- there is no cure. And it can be spread-- easily, it seems.
It's not contagious until the rash develops. And you can avoid spreading the disease by keeping the wound clean and well bandaged, and by washing your hands after coming into contact with anyone infected --
Obviously, limited contact with infected individuals is desirable. And -- if you think you're developing symptoms it's best to go into seclusion.
It might be nothing. I could be wrong.
If -- if you think you have symptoms you should speak to Reno, on the police force. Or Cloud Strife.
I'm sorry.
[Private to Cloud, Reno, Anita]
Harry has it. I saw him after the earthquake.
[OOC: As per
this. Symptoms have began showing in Harry, Justin, and Gwen. Others can wait or infect their characters immediately, on whatever timetable they'd like to follow. ♥ And there are too spots still open for torture opportunities!]