What are your overall Deathly Hallows concerns?

Jun 07, 2010 18:59

I'm writing a blog post for an entertainment site about what HP fans' overall Deathly Hallows concerns are, and I'm wondering if you guys could quickly comment on what your biggest issues are with the upcoming movies, particularly in light of the new teaser trailer. What in the trailer made you giddy and what made you say "Whaaa?" Don't worry, I ( Read more... )

movies, harry potter, movie trailers

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Comments 31

shocolate June 7 2010, 23:10:04 UTC
The Ron seems canon, and I have no big concerns...

...I want the Voldie!Harry and Voldie!Hermione embrace to be suitably nightmarish, and not 'hot', ffs...

...I want Ron's leaving to be locketly justified, but it looks like that is under control...

...I really don't know what to think about the 37-year-old Aurors we saw at King's Cross, but I trust them...

...I hope Hermione is 99% miserable, because Emma can cope with miserable, but not laughing, or too much dialogue...

...I want Ron to rule the world!


shocolate June 7 2010, 23:11:30 UTC
...and I want the Polyjuiced!Hermione!Harry and Polyjuiced!Fleur!Harry to be wearing sexy underwear, when they strip off...


urbanmama1 June 7 2010, 23:17:02 UTC
Thank you x3 (for the two comments and for spreading the word!)


shocolate June 7 2010, 23:24:00 UTC
then my work here is done!

*goes to bed*


emmacmf June 7 2010, 23:24:36 UTC

Though to be canon, Hermione should really be wearing sensible cotton pants and bra.

And I want Fleur!Harry looking all soppy at Bill.


emmacmf June 7 2010, 23:27:47 UTC
I want the Seven Potters scene to be made of awesome and comic relief before everything hits the fan.

I want the Harry/Ginny relationship to actually show some passion.

I want the Ron/Hermione kiss to be epic.

I want Silver Doe to be all about Harry and Ron forgiving and forgetting, because they are best friends and they love each other, and that's all that matters.


urbanmama1 June 7 2010, 23:32:17 UTC
fantastic! did the trailer make you hopeful and excited, or did it cause distress? are you watching it over and over again?


emmacmf June 7 2010, 23:35:02 UTC
It made me so incredibly excited that I actually squeaked out loud the first time I watched it - which wasn't good, because I was on a packed commuter train at the time. I can't wait until November, and this trailer just amped up the excitement.

I've watched it around a dozen or so times, linked to it on FB, and showed anyone who cares the slightest smidge about Harry Potter. And the response so far has been very positive and excited.


hpluver88 June 7 2010, 23:35:40 UTC
Hi there! *waves* Here's some feedback for you:

Seeing Hedwig flying away from Privet Drive made me scratch my head a bit - does that mean he's not going to get killed during the 7 Potters chase sequence? Are the producers trying to spare us tears and build up Dobby's death? I'm really confused why they would do that...

Other than that, I absolutely LOVED everything about the preview!!! Ron's always been my favorite character and his scenes in DH blew me away. Looks like it'll be the same in the film, too! So intense.


urbanmama1 June 7 2010, 23:40:05 UTC
Hi there! I love how specific this answer is and am thinking of making a list of everyone's concerns and observations. Thank you so much for popping over to help me.


mugglemama June 7 2010, 23:38:49 UTC
The book canon in the clip made me squee - I just hope there is more of it ( ... )


urbanmama1 June 7 2010, 23:42:09 UTC
Yes, I thought that Hermione looked way too "good" to have just been rescued from Malfoy Manor. Many thanks for the great answer. I think scores of Ron and Hermione fans may vomit a little if Locket!H & H kiss!


tmblue June 8 2010, 01:26:47 UTC
I've heard there is a locket kiss... *gags*

I think it will work well for Ron's reaction, but not particularly for having to sit through and watch it happen... haha

And that's a really good point about Harry and Hermione suffering when Ron is gone. Definitely want that!


redheadsarehot June 8 2010, 05:56:04 UTC
I actually heard differently, that they didn't kiss :) I hope what I heard is right! The Dan/Emma crazies do not need their fire fueled!


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