Nov 28, 2004 15:58
Okay I need help.
How do I make it friends only and How do I put my friends only banner in to make it no show any entries past that for those who arent my friends list and stuff, Yeah I just need help, Sorry for being retarted =/.
Nov 28, 2004 11:49
Okay Im going to make this a Friends only journal now, when I get my banner made thats when I will be starting it. But Im most likely going to be keeping everyone thats on my friends list.
Nov 27, 2004 22:14
I changed the layout =D.
Isn't it awesome?!
Nov 27, 2004 11:47
I might be making this a friends only journal but everyone that is already my friend is not going anywhere =D.
I got a rug burn on my knee from playing with my cat, I tripped and fell lol, Im such a ditz.
I played the bass last night, I was learning Ruby Soho By Rancid I totally <3 that song!
Nov 26, 2004 17:05
I just got done watching Harry Potter the third one, I acutally like it :).
I might go find a survey and fill it out.